Game keeps Crashing On Same Date


Feb 20, 2013
Reaction score
My FM2011 Game On The Disc Keeps Crashing On The The 8th May 2011 Even Though I Keep Starting New Games It Stills Crashes On The Date
I Don't What To Do
Please Help!!
I was having the same issue so through steam, I checked the game files integirity, turns out I was missing two or three files that made it crash. Steam should re-download the fliles or like above, reinstall the game.
fm11 crash dumbs

hello guys, i have a problem at fm11. i m at PSG in 30 may 2013, and the game crush and send my a crush dumb, because of the save. the game won t continue to 31 of may, because of the save. i resigned from psg, and the game works just fine. but i don t want to lose my team. i've changed something from editor, like money investments, players age, i think i ve done something wrong. what can i do to repair the error and just continue the game at Psg? i m playing it offline, so no steam!!! please help.