Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
I've recently been using the Genie Scout, and I was wondering how accurate/fixed the 'potential max attributes' section is (?)
I play with a high defensive line, so I usually like my CBs to have at least 15 pace. I have a very talented defender (potential ability of 185), but his pace is somewhat lacking (acceleration 14 and pace 12).

He's only 19, but he's already reasonably well-developed, with his current CA at 157 (so decent room for growth, but no huge changes). When I clicked on the 'potential attributes' checkbox, it showed his maximum pace as being 13.
Is this an accurate ceiling for his pace, regardless of training? Or could I potentially improve it to, say, 15, by putting him on a training schedule to increase his quickness?

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
really depends on how u nuture him, game time, loans injuries etc.

the max values is a perfect acheviement of those factors. they can only improve so far though, gs is usually a good gudie as to where u can.
Thanks for the response. I appreciate the 'potential ability' is pretty much what a player's optimal level is if everything is perfect, but do you think there's any room for altering a particular attribute's (pace, in this case) maximum?
I understand it shows the attributes they'd achieve if everything was perfect, but presumably changing the training focus can influence their ultimate end attributes (increase pace at the expense of some other attribute) (?) Or are all the attributes limited to what the genie scout shows?
i dunno how genie calculates it but its usually a good guide, a player can only improve so much, enve if you train him from 15-21 on pace. his potential rating will still limit that factor as far as i understand it.