George Kids - A Player in a million


Aug 3, 2012
Reaction score
(I have only saw, a few Player threads so I thought I would do my own, I'm going to write this from the 1st person prospective of George Kids, my own player.)

Hello, my name is George Kids, I'm a 17 year old free agent after a short trail with Airbus boughton who thought I was a good prospect but said there was too many Fowards at the club. So I sit on the couch, wondering how my friend got a contract with Hull City. Oh sorry, I skip ahead too fast...

I'm a Croatian, CF, I know the language's of Croatian, French and English. I have been taking Trails with big league clubs but they think I'm not good enough so I got smart and went with smaller clubs like Airbus and Tranmere rovers.


I just got off the phone with my best friend Jordan Gee who just finished a Reserve match with Hull scoring a goal, I sigh as I sit down to eat my pizza and watch some American Football, a Sport I started to like the time I spent in America until I get a call. The song "Thunderstuck" by AC/DC plays as I press the call button "Yes, who is this?" The person on the phone had a Accent of around the Nottingham area "Is this George Kids?" I was confused, I quickly said "Yes." The person on the phone coughed and said "I have seen you playing and your Trail with Airbus, lad, we love to scout players everywhere and we surprising caught onto you on a scouting vist to Wales, I will say, Airbus were wrong to let you go, Us at Nottingham Forest would love offer you a Contract!" I was surprised and pleased, I felt like crying, many trails and tries and I get offered a Contract by a Championship team, I would probably be playing for the reserves but playing for a nPower Championship team Reserves has to be some kind of deserving, I quickly accepted "Alright lad, come down to the stadium and we will sign you up" he then hung up, I called my Friends and told them the news, they where all playing for Local teams except one or two who were playing for BSN/S and BSP teams.


I got down to the stadium and got to meet the manger and sign a contract of £500 a week, I thought "£500... for a 17 year old? they do actually think I can be a really good hot prospect", After that, I got to meet some of the first team players like Chris Cohen who welcomed me to the team and told me "I was going far". I then did some training with other Reserves and did fairly poor on the Drills but great in the training match, Running and getting warmed up just isn't my thing, Ya know? I was then told that I was going to a press conference tomorrow, I was really nervous, I was actually really shy and lots of people looking and asking questions will break me...Let's see how it goes...


I had a normal day, I woke up, had breakfast and went to the Press Conference... Here's the questions.

Daily Mail: So, how does it feel to get a contract with a big club like Nottingham Forest
GK: Amazing, a dream really, I have been at trails with clubs like Man Utd and Hull City but Nottingham Forest isn't far from Hull and hopefully my future here will be amazing.

Guardian: Do you think Nottingham Forest can win the Championship this year.
GK: Yeah, they can, I think we can make it to the Playoff's but yeah, we can win if we try harder, but obviously, we have teams like, Blackburn and Reading who can make a impact.

KICK: So, who is your favourite player at Nottingham Forest and who have you met yet?
GK: I have met my favourite player, Chris Cohen and surprisingly, he is the only player at Nottingham Forest I have met yet.

Of Course, there was more questions but I don't wanna waste your time.:D
Hull City:D What's the connection with you and Hull?

Good luck.. Just a few things you may need to go over and neaten it up a bit!