
Apr 1, 2010
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Hello all, im copying my buddies idea with this team here. My newly created team, Vaynor Glare FC, comprised of all Germans as i am a die hard Bayern Munich fan. Took Portsmouth out of the league considering that well... they are barely a club as it is. The team is really young so this year might be a fight but the future is looking extremely promising. I decided to let a few fowards/midfielders that are in top form in the moment, Cacau/Aaron Hunt, pass on for this year with Gomez, Podolski, and all time german goal leader Miro Klose to choose from but Aaron Hunt will be a definite purchase with in a year or two. Heres a pic of my how things are turning out so far in the line up.

Also wondering, if any one wants to get creative, i need a nice creative logo... team colors are yellow black and white.

Follow my story as ill continue to update on how de germans progress through out the year.
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