
Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
Does anybody know the best, and most successful way of getting the best out of a player, for example I bought a striker who had amazing scoring stats for his previous club, but he rarely gets any goals for me now, and I do play him to his strengths, What am i doing wrong?????????????????????????????????????????
you could try swapping strikers say like f you have a left footed striker try him on the right and vice versa works for me
I don't think this is down to the striker, rather more it's how the ball is delivered to him. Take Torres for example, at Liverpool he was the outlet, all balls lead to him, normally in a very advanced position. At Chelsea in the 4-3-3 he had to fit in with 2 other very attacking, goal minded players, and work the ball to create a chance, which he sucks at.

Firstly I'd go back and see what formation this guy was playing in before, see whether he was making his own chances by running from deep or they were being provided on a plate as he was the lone frontman? Was he fed centrally or via the wings? You could then assess if how you're playing him is best or not.

You also have to take into account the settling in period, language barriers, formations etc...
I agree with Gestalt, I think the striker you currently have may not fit with your formation.

If you play 4-3-3 like Barca or Chelsea, you need a striker who can create chance for team mate as well as making something out of nothing for himself like Messi, Augero, or at least a strong target man who can hold the ball under pressure to bring team mate in like Drogba, Ibra.
If you play 4-4-2 or 4-2-3-1, you may need a pure poacher like Man U hernandez, he will need his teammate (the wingers, second striker, attacking mid... ) doing all the hard work to give him the ball in good position. His only job is being in the right place at the right time and score.

Other reasons could be your striker is not in form ? not fully adapt to the new team ? language barrier ? feeling jade or stressful ?

Anyway, the advice is buy the most suitable, don't buy the best possible (unless it's someone who are capable of magic like Messi).
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