Gink Wolf - The Rise to Rockstar Status (or fall to local pub alchoholic?)

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Jan 27, 2010
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I've been reading some of these Football Manager stories the last few days, and I've really been enjoying them, the Alex Ferguson story stood out in particular.
The rise to greatness really inspired me to make a new save, where I'd fight myself up from the (relative) bottom.
The (relative) bottom being one of the major countries second league (Serie B, Coca-Cola, etc), and from there just try to do as well as I could, and try to make a name for myself.
The plan is to cynically swap clubs to get better saleries, players, transfer money, reputation.
I have no specific goals as to a favorite club I want to lead, nothing like that. I just want to be famous, get all the money, and all the sexy football groupie chicks.
I made a new game with all of the major football nations in Europe; England, Spain, Italy, France, Holland, Turkey, Germany, Portugal, and Scotland (for some reason).
Then I picked a team in one of the second divisions, and I wanted a team with some talent (but not too good), a decent economy, and decent training facilities. Preferably with youth academy.
After narrowing it down, it was down to Brescia, Reading, Angers (french), and a couple other teams, and after some debating with myself, I picked Reading!

Here's the deal, I haven't really played any manager games since CM was the ****, namely 00/01 (if I remember correctly) until I picked up FM 09 late last summer.
In FM 09 I played three seasons with Sporting CB, and in FM 10 I've played maybe two or three seasons total with various teams, mostly Wolves.
Therefore I consider myself to be pretty bad at FM, and at football in general (I don't pay much attention in real life unless it's a big CL game or something).
I know pretty much **** about strategies and tactics and all that stuff, so I didn't feel like coming on here and share my FM story with you guys, and totally embarrassing myself.
What I did was this, I made a forum at, and made a thread for my own sake, for my eyes only. But as I went on I thought I might as well share it. It might not be any good, but whatever, you guys might teach me something, if you can suffer through reading it.

So I'm going to start copying the posts over from my private FM story forum over here, so you can see it.

---------- Post added at 10:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 PM ----------


Season 1 - Reading.

Inexperienced manager, American Samoan national (that's right), Gink Wolf has taken the manager seat at Coca-Cola side Reading before the new season.
Wolf is a known international footballer, with 7 caps and 0 goals (what the ****?) for American Samoa.
Wolf proclaimed that's it's hardly a dream come through, but it's good to be here, and as a very amitious individual, he'll be heavily involved and heavily invested in the club.


Coca-Cola Championship. Media Prediction: 5th.

250k transfer budget, 9k left on wage budget.

Good in-house prospects, and potential key players:

Matt Mills:
CB - 23 year old ambitious, and nomadic, CB. Several seasons in clubs such as Southampton and Man City in Premier Division, before ending up at Reading after a short stay at Doncaster. Mills has good aerial and defensive skills, completed with a high work rate, good strength and stamina, and a good sense of teamwork.

Alex Pearce:
CB - Resolute, level headed 20 year old talent with class aerial ability (18 jumping and 18 heading), high aggression, determination and influence, I made him captain mostly due to lack of better options. Alex himself claimed he was too young, and that he's put under too much pressure, but I'm confident in the young lads ability to shine.
Though scottish, he's homegrown at club, and hopefully, with the right training and guidance, we got a future Reading legend in our ranks.

Jem Keracan:
MC - 20 year old ambitious, hot headed, turkish brit, whose work rate, teamwork, bravery and stamina are all world class, and he's showing signs of potential very good technical skills and creativity, though he lacks a fair bit of flair.
Jems ambitious and enthusiastic character traits, along with his reasonable good influence in the squad, has earned him his position as vice-captain, in which he responded with delight and gratitude.
Jem had two seasons at Galatasaray, before he joined Reading already back in 2005, making him homegrown.

Marek Matejovsky:
AMC - 27 year old czech midfielder with heaps of skill and mental awareness. His big weakness being his slowness, and his inability to competently head a ball.
Very good passer with a lot of flair, first touch and technique.

Khalifa Cisse:
DM/MC - 25 year old french malisian Cisse is a rock solid midfielder with a defensive touch. Good header with a strong physical presence, he is a tough man to get by with his good defensive abilities, and with a very high bravery rating he isn't afraid to get stuck into challenges.
Cisse joined Reading in 2007, after gaining experience in clubs such as Toulouse and Boavista.

Others worth mentioning:

Brynjar Gunnarson - islandic 33 year old defensive player. Experienced and strong, good aerial player, though bit on the slow side.
Chris Armstrong - 26 year old left back, determined and brave scottish team player. Solid.
James Henry - 20 year old right winger with some promise. Fairly quick and with decent technical abilities. Homegrown.
Jay Tabb - 25 year old irishman. Feels at home out on the left wing, is decent, but will probably never be great. High work rate.
Brian Howard - 26 year old versatile english midfielder.

The Madejski Stadium!
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Pre Season.

Ok, copying over another post, while losing like a fool to Doncaster. :(



With a transfer budget of 250k, there wasn't going to happen very much during this first transfer window.
I got a couple decent free agents, where Yakubu was the most prominent one, taking the RB spot I so desperately needed reinforcement in.
Asmir Begovic is a 22 year old bosnian goalie, which is going to become quite a bit better than my original goalie, and since Reading had pretty weak keepers, this was a good choice.
I did try to get a couple other, better, goalies, but they went for better clubs.
Luis Gustavo is a 16 year old portugese DM with a marginal chance of becoming something usable, we'll see.
Darren Gibson and ***** Topp need no introductions.

I got rid of some dead weight staff, and got some new ones. Most noticeable is Tony Carr from West Ham as my new assistant.


In hind sight, spending that much cash on staff was probably stupid, but what the ****, I like to have good people around me!


The squad looks decent at the moment. I do not have too high expectations of a promotion, though the hope is there. I am after all a inexperienced manager, both in game and in real life. A second year of sipping Coca Cola would probably do me good!

DISCLAIMER: I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to micromanaging tactics. As mentioned, I haven't played this game in a while, and I'm not too knowledgeable when it comes to football in real life either.
Maybe someone has some good tactical tips on how to survive in Coca-Cola?


Pre Season Results:


Went well, as it should, up until the Benfica game, where we got pummeled in the second half.

Let the season begin!

---------- Post added at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 11:06 PM ----------

August update:


Noticeable games and events:

Newcastle - Reading 0-1
We controlled the game first 20 minutes in, and James Henry scored an amazing 20 yard strike.
The next 25 minutes before half time Newcastle took over and mopped the floor with us, so I swapped my AM in for a DM and played a defensive anchor man game the whole second half, ending the game with contain and play even safer.
We won though, and I'm happy.

Reading - Shef. Utd 1-3
Controlled the first half and had a 1-0 lead thanks to another magnificent James Henry strike, then turned around and had an abysmal second half where we were raped into 1-3. Dammit!
Apparently the opposition manager had "one of those" team-talks which somehow makes the players play like steroid crazed meth freaks.

Jay Tabb out for up to three weeks due to an injury during Barnsley away. Not good.

I was also chasing Serginho Greene from Holland on a free transfer, who would've walked onto my very weak RB spot, but he signed for Zurich last minute. Oh well.
I did however get spaniard Rubin Pulido, a CB that looks pretty good, shame he can't play RB.

Alex Pearce got second place in the Young Player of the Month Award, and I got third placed manager, not too bad!

All in all we're third placed with two points up to leaders Sheff Utd, and through to the third round of the League Cup.


Honorable mention to James Henry, who capped four goals, one assist, an average rating of 7.74 in five matches. Keep up the good work, lad!

All's looking at the moment mate, good luck. Be sure to check the helpful threads on advice on how to make it more.. 'interesting' and 'attractive'.
Hmm, sort of felt like it was looking decent. Not sure what you're after, if you can give more specific pointers, that would be great. :)

The whole news-story format, third person thing feels a bit too much like role-playing for my taste (I'm enjoying the blogish style), and using BIG FONTS WITH LOTS OF COLOR is hard and uncomfortable to read in my taste. (If that's what you're after :P)

I think I found the RB I've been dreaming of;

19 year old Serkan Kurtulus of Galatasaray, touted as a potential quality player for my side, extremely interested to join, and according to my scouts, Galatasaray might let him go for around 2M. Hopefully I can raise some money until January first.
Let's see if we can unsettle him!

Meanwhile, had a fun and exiting game!


Brian Howard is having some amazing games lately.

But this makes me a bit disappointed, two of my key players, including my captain.


Next update will probably be christmas break, and the following transfer window.

---------- Post added at 02:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 AM ----------

Just going to post a screen of the right back I'm considering, before heading off for today.
Would be great if anyone had some comments on him. As mentioned, Galatasaray might let him go for 2M, which is quite a lot for me, I'm not sure if I can even raise it.


Maybe you can suggest some more good, preferably young and talented right backs, priced bit lower than 2M.

Checking back tomorrow!
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Really enjoying this mate. I think I remember a thread you posted before. If you try to watch some more football it will provide a much better insight into tactics and strategies and that will help you loads.
Quick unscheduled update!

Just a quick update.

The team is doing well enough, better than I expected. At the start of the season I was expecting to be struggling mid-table (not because Reading is bad, but due to my abilities), but right now as I'm writing this, we beat Ipswich and are placed third, with four points up to first place.
Some stupid goalkeeper mistakes (my goalie tries to dribble strikers!) have cost me a couple games, and I'm fairly confident we'll at the very least play play-offs come end of the season.

On another note, the temptations are piling up by the numbers already.




I've refused to make a comment in both cases, though I said at the start I'd be a cynical ambitious *******, I want to at least see one season through as Reading.
I'm pretty sure though, however, should the PSV job become available to me, I'm not so sure if I can let the chance pass. It was one of my favorite teams as a young boy. :)

January update due sometime today, early evening maybe.
Catch you later. :)
Yes, that's what I'm thinking too, as I said, at least one full season at Reading, and a promotion, would be preferable.
PSV did sack their manager right after I updated the thread, but I don't get an option to apply at the team screen, and they're gone from the Job Center screen, so I guess I'm staying if I want to or not, heh.

Edit: And now they just appointed Louis Coolen.
Merry christmas, and a happy new year!

Christmas update:

Not too eventful these last few months, apart from the small updates already posted.


Random stuff:

I had a pretty bad injury blow on a key player:

And even worse:

Tabb and Pulido both injured for months after the Plumouth game.

I tried to offer Beckham a contract, but as expected;


I've been linked with a few more jobs, mostly Serie B and Liga Adelente clubs, nothing interesting since Cagliari and Deportivo.


Tactic wise i think It's been going pretty well, and I think I've gotten a bit better at it, though it felt for a while like I was getting extraordinary pressure on my defence.
I tried tweaking my offensive 4-5-1 into a more defensive 4-5-1 (swapping the AM for a DM, playing a bit more rigid, with less creative freedom and such) but it only seemed to make it worse. As a result I went back to my AM, and instead tweaked some of the player roles, and all in all I think I'm better now.

I would love opinions on zonal marking vs man marking though; any pros and cons from experienced players out there?




Noticeable games:

League Cup: Reading - Huddersfield 0-3
Horrific 0-3 loss against non-league team Huddersfield.
I have no idea what happened. Everyone just played like ****, defenders gave away the ball in stupid ways, producing a idiotic penalty, attackers was just **** all over the board.
Oh well, at least I was over worrying about post League Cup game tiredness 2 days before an important league game.
And I got to tell the little gits how they all were an embarrassment to the team, haha.

I don't think there's much more to say about our games, we've had some good ones, and some bad ones. Most notably the Plymouth game, was really bad.

Leaving us at sixth with three points up to second place. A glimmering hope of promotion is growing within this managers mind.
League table:


I'd probably have to award Alex Pearce and Jem Karacan most valuable players so far, with James Henry, Brian Howard, and Jay Tabb chasing them for glory.
All in all most of my players have been very inconsistent, delivering top performances one game, then crawling in the mud the next.


Transfer window has started, and I've sold a few players already, so I'll see if I can't bring something decent in.
I've offered to loan a ton of players as well.

Update will follow sometime later tonight, or early tomorrow.

Catch you later!
I would have quoted your previous post but that would be bad for scrolling down.
I like how you've added a lot of the major leagues to your game and you're going to try to end up as well as you can.
First time i've seen this pal.
I'm starting to plot an evil plan of winning the CL with a team of each of the big leagues, England, Italy and Spain!
Maybe a bit ambitious, but I want to be a bit nomadic in this game, since I always used to stick with a club for 10 seasons back in the old days (pre CM 00/01), never swapping clubs.

Also, a thanks for all the friendly comments is long overdue, I bow to you good sirs, and thank you very much.
(I do believe this is the friendliest forum of all the forums I've ever seen on the internet!)
I'm starting to plot an evil plan of winning the CL with a team of each of the big leagues, England, Italy and Spain!
Maybe a bit ambitious, but I want to be a bit nomadic in this game, since I always used to stick with a club for 10 seasons back in the old days (pre CM 00/01), never swapping clubs.

Also, a thanks for all the friendly comments is long overdue, I bow to you good sirs, and thank you very much.
(I do believe this is the friendliest forum of all the forums I've ever seen on the internet!)

That'll be really cool if you manage to pull that off. (The CL thing.)
Be sure to check out my story. :)