
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, I'm having a very big problem (again..)
I'm playing with Seongnam (awesome logo) and I just had a cup match against Incheon. According to the Scoreboard, the match finished with a 2-1 win for us, but the goals that are displayed never happened. The actual result is a 1-1, same as the Match Feed says, so according to this, we should have to play extra-time now, but the blue button on the top right says "Leave Match" and only leads me to the full-sight on the Pitch.
After clicking on the Home-Button,it says "! Match" in the top right..
I can't continue the match nor the game, i also can't save nor go to Holiday ,I'm stuck and I haven't saved for hours and it's really frustrating (besides the fact that I get at least 2 injuries per game).
This is the third time it happened, 2nd time on this save.
Has anyone else experienced that? Is it a known glitch and is there anything i can do to at least quicksave my game?