
Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
hi im trying to use my own 4-2-3-1 tactic i use with my chelsea team who wins everything every season but with psg its horrible :( anyone have any ideas?
try using an attacking 4-5-1 and try changing player insructions abit make sure you use the centre forward as a free role
look at ure players in detaial, boring i know but theres 70% of of your formaition mate.
figure out ure best 11 then 2nd 11 then sell rest, zlatan u need wingers n good passers n cm. it is same as cheal but set ur own tacktics, set to zlat same as drog,
he is ur messi, this mite sound ( i know that ffs ) but do it in detail. plus get a replacment for him.
also lots of pre season games. save as u go if u fail re try, it how we all do it
tink of him as carrol plus 1000% he probaly better than roony so look at stats, it stats really mate, focus on zlat.
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