Good things about the UK

Apr 10, 2010
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Good things about the UK:

#1 - The People.
In general the people are more likely to give a **** about you and less likely to completely take advantage of you whilst youre not looking, and even when you are. Not Everyone obviously, but for the most part. [edited]

#2 - Manners, Common Sense & Logic.
In conjunction with #1, theres a logic that comes with the UK and even as close as Ireland this is diminished from UK levels. People here will park their car in the middle of the road so they can run to the bank, happily holding up a thousand people. People generally move aside to let you past, if you stop at the lights to let someone cross, everyone behind you doesnt lean on the horn, you wait in line in the UK. In the UK we have to pass a driving test - we at least have some common sense.

#3 - Work.
Our german neighbours are slave drivers, but on the whole Europeans have their weekends to themselves. In the UK we work until 5.30 or there abouts and are supposed to get overtime pay and notice of overtime. This doesnt exist everywhere. Here if you leave before 8pm, you are considered lazy for leaving "early". UK people do tend to work harder in shorter hours and get paid far more.

#4 - The Law!
In the UK, if you break the law, theres a good chance of consequences. Crime is a lot lower than a lot of countries and in day to day life this gives the UK a sense of order. There are places where life is so chaotic that the police just dont bother. Corruption amongst police officers is normal in Latin America and are generally best avoided lest you WANT to be kidnapped or groped. People dont ignore red lights or pedestrian crossings, in general your property is safe.

#5 - More Business and Less Vanity.
If you dont know a guy who knows a can still get something done in the UK. If you work hard in your profession you could actually be successful. You dont have to worry so much about music at 4am on a Monday morning. People dont leave barking dogs lying around on every rooftop. Theres more of a live and let live than in other countries....less of a dog eat dog. In Latin America, Image rules. If you do not big up your boss and bow to their vanity, make them look good etc...youre out of a job, and they will go and call everyone they know and tell them not to hire you because you suck at your job. They call in favours to make sure you dont get work and get your visa taken from you if possible. The UK is more professional...its not personal, its business and its generally illegal to screw someone over.

#6 - Quality of Life.
The weather depends on where you are but in general you always have access to a good gym, healthy food in well stocked supermarkets, good transport, really decent medical treatment by other standards, (bad by scandinavian standards though), quality services, good security, good roads, higher average pay, 20 days holiday plus stats, better legal protection. Dont take the facilities in the UK for want cinema, gym, mma, football, drink, takeaway, a plumber, nice apartment, a high speed train, fast reliable broadband...its all there.

#7 - Being from the UK opens doors.
You might not know it, but having a British passport means less bother for you than holding say a Latin American one. You get let into countries with less hassle than even some Irish people I know. Being a member of the Eurozone opens a lot of doors and gives a lot of freedom to move about. Dont take it for granted. (by the way, this would still be the case if Scotland were independent, before anyone starts)

#8 - RANGERS FOOTBALL CLUB and football teams :)

#9 - Good Roads!

So there we go, thats the good things off the top of my head though there are millions more

So maybe some of you can post good stuff or even things you hate about the UK. Sorry if this was boring 8-|
I hate that our summer is worse than most places winter.
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'Free' healthcare, although it is done better elsewhere (Canada), we have a far better system than America where you're ****** if you have anything chronic or serious, or don't have insurance.
I agree with points 1,5,6. My grandad was saying though that this country has changed so much that if he was my age (20) he would move abroad. I like living here though we have the best Football leagues in the world!

Roads here are good compared to places like Russia but they are pretty bad considering how much tax we have to pay to be able to drive.

Good thing about UK if you like Horse or Greyhound racing is there are usually 4+ meetings on a day usually to a high standard.
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I disagree with point 4. The law? Bearing in mind this is the country that if a burglar is robbing a house and cuts his arm on the owner's fence, the owner can get done for it?... :S
That's quite a funny post for you, Max.

Anyways, decent post I guess, it was probably copied and pasted from somewhere though.
Roads are not bad, pretty much constant roadworks somewhere along a route :'(