Good things about the UK

We're a secular society, and a moderate one. A multicultural society in which different race and religion is tolerated. Even opinions, however stupid, are tolerated.

I could go on, but I'm hungry.
I disagree with point 4. The law? Bearing in mind this is the country that if a burglar is robbing a house and cuts his arm on the owner's fence, the owner can get done for it?... :S

Its absolutely crazy, if someone is robbing your house and you confront them, if you so much as lay 1 finger on them you can be done for assault.
is the UK so bad
if it is i'm glad that i dont live there
London - Greatest city in the World.

Have you been to every city in the world?

Country hated by a hella-a lot others, becuase we've had so much power throughout our history. Despite our countries size, we match up closely with the USA in almost every aspect.
Some points from a spanish who has moved to live/work in the UK, and know working temporarely in Brazil...

- Location, close to main european cities, well connected to US, Asia,...
- Low cost flights to almost everyplace in Europe (at least from London).
- Finance / IT jobs, as far as I know some of the best career oportunities are in London.
- Working ours, agree, better quality of live in terms of working ours that spain or brazil, and better pay.
- The weather in summer, yes, at least if you have to work in a suit and tie.
- Public services, national health system,
- The pubs, sport bars, good atmosphere,...
- The races at Chester on ladies day.
- Nice places to visit, lake district, dover, bristol, the north-east coast,...
- Good indian and thai food avalaible, and some british (shepherds pie, fish,...)
- Notting hill carnival.
- Decent football league.
- TV, many quality programs, bbc,...and great sport coverage
- Women (?)
The accents, I'd love to have the scottish accent, or somewhere in the country.

But I am proud where I'm from.
The fact that when i walk out and there are somalian pirates everywere:'(
I really love our tolerance of other cultures [minus the BNP] and I do love the weather, honestly. :P
You clearly don't drive.

he is right, UK have excellent roads, I have driven in Egypt and Jordan, compared to that United Kingdom has excellent roads.

I Like living the United Kingdom however I have Liverpool, and soon as possible I move out!!
Best thing about the UK is the airports. Easiest way out :D