Government-dictated clothing

Aug 1, 2009
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Now that France has banned veils, I'd like to see the government here start going about indecent clothing. My own party, the Montebello Responsibility Front - which'll be up on Facebook shortly-, have outlined certain other pieces of clothing that the government should regulate;

  • Ban speedos. They're indecent.
  • Ban fat chicks from wearing tube tops.
  • Ban fat chicks from wearing hot pants.
  • Ban track suits for non-athletes. This may make neds/chavs harder to identify for a while, but probably make it easier to bring them back into society (i.e. work).
  • Ban football strips from being worn while on holidays (unless there's a game on). Brits have got a bad enough reputation already, and it's not helping our clubs having a fat, sunburnt man drink beer in a smelly football strip. This'll require considerable lobbying with the EU, but hopefully a conclusion can be reached for at least EU countries.

We'll first start off with banning clothes, and eventually we should be able to pass legislation to allow fat chicks to only wear burkas, hot chicks to wear hot pants and such. Sarkozy set the precedent, let's not let this golden opportunity slip between our fingers!
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Was hoping this would turn into a pleasant debate about this new law coming in despite the humourless undertones of your OP.

Seems noone cares. I'm with France.
Not something the government should be deciding on in my opinion. Fair enough if private companies decide to do it, but not Government.
no offense but if I pay £40 for a football shirt, i'm going to wear it when ever I want. agree with speedo's and fat chicks wearing tube tops etc but a law against them wearing such things won't come in to action purely for descrimination reasons.
People are taking this seriously?

You're a true hero Chaz, you little Santaist with crazed ideals. ;)
Banning Chavs would solve everything thats wrong with this country ;)
The OP was good humour, but there is a real topic in there of the Burqa being banned in countries, I'm uncomfortable with it and would like it banned in the UK.
I'm a pleb

I think you can get tube tops that are more expensive than 40£, yet it still looks like a train derailing. It's horrible, but you can't take your eyes off.

The OP was good humour, but there is a real topic in there of the Burqa being banned in countries, I'm uncomfortable with it and would like it banned in the UK.

Fat chicks in bikinis make me VERY uncomfortable.

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I think you can get tube tops that are more expensive than 40£, yet it still looks like a train derailing. It's horrible, but you can't take your eyes off.

True. there's something....just something.....morbidly fascinating about them lol
The OP was good humour, but there is a real topic in there of the Burqa being banned in countries, I'm uncomfortable with it and would like it banned in the UK.
That's a great reason for banning something.
True. there's something....just something.....morbidly fascinating about them lol

its brutal seeing them,really is

back to the serious point, not something government should be banning, companies yes, but not the government; , interesting to note that muslim leader neither back the veil, nor the french ban against them. IIRC they are not compulsory to the mainstream beliefs at all
its brutal seeing them,really is

back to the serious point, not something government should be banning, companies yes, but not the government; , interesting to note that muslim leader neither back the veil, nor the french ban against them. IIRC they are not compulsory to the mainstream beliefs at all

To be honest, I truly don't care what anybody wears, from whatever religion. If a country bans it though, you have to respect the law pretty much like everybody else. I read that piece awell, with regards to Muslim leader taking a neutral stance with the matter concerning France, yet others are starting to come out, saying women should disregard the law, and cause a form of civil disobediance. We may not agree with what a government decides, but like everyone, we have to accept it.
Should be able to wear what you want. Government's should only regulate clothes that are generally offensive to everyone, whoever wears it, Like a **** uniform.
You can't ban fat girl wearing bikini's and not ban bikini's on slim women. That's just stupid.
I dont get why you cant where a hoodie in some places but a burqa which is less revealing is allowed. o.O
Should be able to wear what you want. Government's should only regulate clothes that are generally offensive to everyone, whoever wears it, Like a **** uniform.
You can't ban fat girl wearing bikini's and not ban bikini's on slim women. That's just stupid.

Fat girls wearing bikinis are pretty much offensive to anyone that isn't a chubby chaser. At least the **** uniforms (the real ones) were proper brand stuff made by Hugo Boss.
I dont get why you cant where a hoodie in some places but a burqa which is less revealing is allowed. o.O

hoodies were banned because it was linked to the people wearing being stereotyped as thuggish youths
Fat girls wearing bikinis are pretty much offensive to anyone that isn't a chubby chaser. At least the **** uniforms (the real ones) were proper brand stuff made by Hugo Boss.

Little bit harsh to be fair lol. Some people have a medical condition in which they can't lose the weight. On the other side, there are those who just don't give a dam, and it reflects that if they have kids when they reach obesity when they hit 10 or 12. Plus some people eat too much as comfort food for reasons too, like bullying, depression etc. There are many midicating factors to be fair on them.