Government-dictated clothing

Should be able to wear what you want. Government's should only regulate clothes that are generally offensive to everyone, whoever wears it, Like a **** uniform.
You can't ban fat girl wearing bikini's and not ban bikini's on slim women. That's just stupid.

**** uniforms are the best uniforms ever.
**** uniforms are the best uniforms ever.

Thats what my fiance says-wants one for extra-cirricular bed-time activities. Something to do with the domineering thing or something. Some women dig it. Whatever floats their boat lol
Little bit harsh to be fair lol. Some people have a medical condition in which they can't lose the weight. On the other side, there are those who just don't give a dam, and it reflects that if they have kids when they reach obesity when they hit 10 or 12. Plus some people eat too much as comfort food for reasons too, like bullying, depression etc. There are many midicating factors to be fair on them.

Science has yet to show any clear genetic link between obesity and genes, aside from ones where they're born with severe mental retardation, which subsequently messes with hormonal signalling, leading to obesity. I think you're mean calling fat people retarded.
Science has yet to show any clear genetic link between obesity and genes, aside from ones where they're born with severe mental retardation, which subsequently messes with hormonal signalling, leading to obesity. I think you're mean calling fat people retarded.

Since when did I call them retarded? :S
Thats what my fiance says-wants one for extra-cirricular bed-time activities. Something to do with the domineering thing or something. Some women dig it. Whatever floats their boat lol

You can always send her my way then :P
Since when did I call them retarded? :S

Medical conditions, and most sensationalist media find the fatty gene regularly, regardless of whether we as a people are getting fatter. However, there are a few very real ones, such as thyroid disorders.
no offense but if I pay £40 for a football shirt, i'm going to wear it when ever I want.

This made me laugh. Such a stereotypical fat englishman on holiday thing to say. Just because you have paid for something, doesn't give you the right to do whatever you please.
Medical conditions, and most sensationalist media find the fatty gene regularly, regardless of whether we as a people are getting fatter. However, there are a few very real ones, such as thyroid disorders.

That may be so, but I never call them retarded. To be honest, I've never insulted any anyway.
The OP was good humour, but there is a real topic in there of the Burqa being banned in countries, I'm uncomfortable with it and would like it banned in the UK.

why does the Burqa make you feel uncomfortable? Surely it's the womans choice to wear it or not so dont really agree that it's been banned
You know what makes me feel uncomfortable? Villa Shirts.
Well its security reasons it's makes me on edge, the same reason Hoddies are banned inside stores.

read my other post

Not everyone wearing a Burqa wants to kill you :S The picture you linked is just a minority and is no reason to widespread ban the Burqa. Same as not every youth wearing a hoodie wants to mug you :S