Jul 10, 2015
Reaction score
Not really the most professional reason for beginning a new story, but I love going to Greece on holiday so starting a save with a team from a nation I love seemed a good idea.

In my first trip to the country, I walked into a shop wearing my Rangers shirt and the man behind the till approached me and said 'I like your shirt, Rangers' rivals Celtic wear the same colour kit as our rivals Panathinaikos'. I then knew that he supported Olympiakos, and because of this I will be managing them In my save.

The ambition is to win the League many times, yet also win cups In European
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Needed a CM so went for him, Ould Chikh and Tariq are both insane talents, and the Norwegian ST had some great stats.
Haha who needs a professional reason? I certainly didn't for mine, I just love Sweden! Good luck!
Haha who needs a professional reason? I certainly didn't for mine, I just love Sweden! Good luck!

Thanks, I'm looking to have another story running at the same time, so hope no one is worried about me having 2 going at one time?

September month review: COMING
I'm really glad to see someone foreign who plays with my homeland's league. It will be really easy to win everything with Olympiakos, they have the best roster/facilities/youth by far in Greece.

In my opinion, your main goal should be elevating the Greek football in general and win Europa or Ch.League with Olympiakos.

Later in the story you can try manage the National Team too. Anyway, best of luck! It's really interesting seeing someone managing Olympiakos without being biased like me. (I support Olympiakos in the Greek league, even though I don't follow them so much any more)
Good luck with my beloved team my friend ! Olympiakos has a very good material starting from his goalkeeper , his left and right backs and a very trustworthy ball winning middlefielder (his captain Maniatis). In my opinion you should consider bying one more central defender and play 3-5-2 . The roster has the appropiate players for this formation and if you manage to go well in the ECL the present will probably give you a bonus (extra transfer budget in December) !
Is this story still active ? Let ;s hope for an update soon ...