Guess The Song Game


Staff member
Apr 12, 2009
Reaction score
Hey everyone.

This is just a little game I thought up for anyone who wants to play.

Its pretty simple, I will post a few lines of a song, and you have to guess the name of the song. You must post the full name of the song, and the name or the artist. Once someone has guessed the right song, I will give that person a point, and then I will post up the next lyrics to guess, much like Lee's Movie Screenshot Game, but with music :)

Also, please quote the lyrics you are guessing, thanks.

And no cheating ;)

To start with:

You're the cause of all this
And I'm sick of trying to please you


mekitozito - 1
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I made a thread like this a while ago. It ended horribly. Good luck...You'll need it.
I wouldn't count on it, there'll be a bunch of herp deps just googling it each time. Try to use obscure lyrics or alter them enough so that googling it doesn't work.
Haha that reminds me of ***** Wonka & the river scene, i'm sure he says something like that
Know the name of the song, haven't got a clue in **** who sings it though.
Only thing I could think of that relates to lyrics, I'm on a boat - Lonely Island