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Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
..with this stupid game! Nothing helps. Tactics, training, goals. The difference between FM 12 and FM 13 is so huge, you can't even adapt to it. I played almost every version of the FM-series, and adapting was good. But with this one, they lost me as a customer. Good luck to the rest of you. Hope you will not throw your laptop out of the window. That's why I'm stopping now, because that step is just an inch away.

..with this stupid game! Nothing helps. Tactics, training, goals. The difference between FM 12 and FM 13 is so huge, you can't even adapt to it. I played almost every version of the FM-series, and adapting was good. But with this one, they lost me as a customer. Good luck to the rest of you. Hope you will not throw your laptop out of the window. That's why I'm stopping now, because that step is just an inch away.


yes the game is diff its a step forward giving u more of a challenge come on don't give up maybe try my tactic Brendon rogers v2000.
Man up!

So many people are throwing their toys out the window. It isnt all that hard this game you. Yes there are currently a few flaws in the ME, but it is fairly easy to counter them.

Try harder :)
yes the game is diff its a step forward giving u more of a challenge come on don't give up maybe try my tactic Brendon rogers v2000.

Thanks! I've just downloaded it, maybe I can use it when I cooled down ;)
Man up!

So many people are throwing their toys out the window. It isnt all that hard this game you. Yes there are currently a few flaws in the ME, but it is fairly easy to counter them.

Try harder :)

Haha you conviced me. Gonna give it another try tomorrow. Was really frustrated haha..
It'll be better when they make some changes to the ME
It'll be better when they make some changes to the ME

Is ME the 3D area? Because I don't play with 3D because of my laptop.. I see a lot of people talking about the Match Engine.
Is ME the 3D area? Because I don't play with 3D because of my laptop.. I see a lot of people talking about the Match Engine.

Match Engine is the match itself. 2D or 3D doesn't change what happens in the match.
Match Engine is the match itself. 2D or 3D doesn't change what happens in the match.

Okay thanks for your reply. So this concludes things as a lot of goals that are rejected, teamtalks that don't work, more shots then your opponent but no goals?
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