Having your son come through as a regen?


Sep 4, 2011
Reaction score
Ive started noticing on a few posts thats in some saves, ppl as having the son of the manger they are come through the academy as a regen....any feedback fellow managers??
That would be soooo cool, i wish! i would play my son everytime through then, even through he sucked...
I think you have to be at the same club for 10 years then you get our son. He's just a normal regen from your team, so he cold be awesome or **** if you're unlucky :P

Not sure if it's just FMC or the full game does it too?
Yep in can happen. You must be at a club for 10 consecutive seasons, Then in the next youth intake, a "son" with your last name would appear and with you being his favoured personnel. Happens in both FMC and Full.
I was at my club for five and he came through in this intake with me and the entire backroom staff as his favorites.

Awkward because with his age I was sixteen when he was born... And then a spanish kid listed me as his fave to... Maybe I dabbled elsewhere? ;)

Son= 1/2 a star potential
Spanish *******= 4&1/2
Yep in can happen. You must be at a club for 10 consecutive seasons, Then in the next youth intake, a "son" with your last name would appear and with you being his favoured personnel. Happens in both FMC and Full.
From what I have read you can be over 35 years + old and have a son on the first youth intake of full mode FM.
In Classic mode, staying at one club for 10 years automatically gives you a son.

In Full mode, you must be 35+ and at the youth intake, every youth player has a 1 in 10.000 chance of being your son.

If you do get a son, he will have your nationality plus the nationality of the nation he's born in. you'll be listed in his favorite personel as "Son". Though he is subject to the same random CA/PA as every other regen so the chances of his being a wonderkid are slim to none.

Because there is only a 0.01% of getting a son naturally, saving your game before the youth intake date and re-loading every intake until you get a son is the best option.