Heavy Rain

i agree joe, but we do also have gears of war, though i dont like it alot of people love it
i agree joe, but we do also have gears of war, though i dont like it alot of people love it

Yeh Gears of War is quite entertaining I suppose, but the online gets pretty tedious after about a week of getting killed by people with chainsaws.
Quirky? hmmm does not sound too good

It's mainly quirky Kris because it's R2 to walk with the left analogue stick for direction and the right analogue stick is for interaction. As far as I know, the usual Square, Triangle, X and O buttons don't do anything unless you're in a sequence, for example the fight scene at the beginning. Other than that, I don't think you use them.
Borrowing this game currently from a friend, already played through quite a bit of the game and am enjoying it so far. Reminds me of Fahrenheit for the PS2.
Got it today. Got really attached to the characters already.
This game has an odd effect on me. I actually found myself regretting my actions in the game when
I shot the guy who had kids instead of letting him live
such an emtional game, i shall admit i shed a tear at the end when my story took a turn for the worst...
I borrowed it yesterday and got through it once by 2:30 in the morning. Great game, it could have been a movie really.

My first ending was pretty happy
Apart from Jayden dying
I have heard it is more or less just a dvd and you don't do anything apart from press a few buttons?
This game is making me want to sell my xbox 360, and buy a PS3..
I borrowed it from a mate yesterday.. its so good! The graphics are amazing,and I like the interactive gameplay style, makes a change from all the other games that are out.
Finally got around to getting this game. Wow! Impressed so far. you don't do too much but it's gripping and the story is great. Nice to see a game with a good story for once.

Fight scene's are cool, I like that you can take a few blows and really need to get back on track.

Not that far in, played about an hour.