Heavy Rain

This game has made me want to dust off the ps3. Is it worth the money then Jake? What is the gameplay like?
Give it time. It took me 2 hours before i really got into it. After that i could not put the controller down.
lol as the trailer suggests, you can do ANYTHING you want, making the story and plotline different for each player. also if a character dies, they dont come back, unless you start a completely new game.

theres one bit ive just played where its clear you are supposed to hit a guy with a weapon and then torture him for information after lulling him into a false sense of security by stripping for him, but if you want to you can go the whole way and **** him!

I think this has put me off. Might make my brother want to buy it tho.. ;)
This game has made me want to dust off the ps3. Is it worth the money then Jake? What is the gameplay like?

Give it time. It took me 2 hours before i really got into it. After that i could not put the controller down.

as flybysilva says, it took me a little while to get into it. But now i cant help but go back for more everytime i get an opportunity. the last grand theft auto game gave you a few choices that would have an affect on the stroy and tried to pull on your heart strings abit, eg the choose love or money option near the end, but this goes so much further. Ive become so emotionally involved already.
i never would ahve thought of myself as a fan of this type of game, but im a total convert
am thinking about popping out and getting it in a bit. reading the reviews on game sites it seems the general feed back is the same as you guys that it takes a while to get going but after that is amazing. i see the last post was posted 2 weeks ago. are your views still the same? is the game worth buying?
deffo worth getting. incredible game. once youve mastered the quirky control system its brilliant
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iv recently just bought a ps3 for this game basically. it is brilliant and the graphics are the best iv ever seen.
the gameplay is great and involving, if a bit confusing at times.
however the controls are a bit dodgy but might just be me gettin used to ps3

ps i LOVE the ari
This game is making me wonder whether I should say goodbye to my Xbox :/
yes mate i did the unthinkable and got rid of my xbox. best decision ever tbh
i take that as a "yes you should get the game" lol thanks guys, off to the shops to purchase the game now :D happy days!
game is awesome... i would recomend buying it seriously haha
I heard nothing but great things about this game, I sometime's hate these exclusive to console games :'(
I heard nothing but great things about this game, I sometime's hate these exclusive to console games :'(

I know what you mean!

PS3 would be complete with the Halo and Forza Motorsport series'
I know what you mean!

PS3 would be complete with the Halo and Forza Motorsport series'

we do have a little known driving sim called Gran Turismo...... :p

as for halo, i think Killzone was supposed to be the rival there, whilst its good, id still play halo given the choice
looks immense!

i may have to get my ps3 fixed and get this!
we do have a little known driving sim called Gran Turismo...... :p

as for halo, i think Killzone was supposed to be the rival there, whilst its good, id still play halo given the choice

Personally, not a big fan of Halo, certainly got knocked of it's perch by COD4 and COD5, much rather have Heavy Rain :'(
Bought this game yesterday. The storyline is very good and it's one of those games where you want to do everything available, just to see what will happen.
Would definately recommend it, although they've made it VERY realistic with the feeding the kids etc at the beginning.
Really takes the ****,that.Makes me really want to get PS3 now.Heavy Rain looks epic.
Personally, not a big fan of Halo, certainly got knocked of it's perch by COD4 and COD5, much rather have Heavy Rain :'(

Fully agree, since Bioshock came out on the PS3 there is very little about the Xbox that is better. And for people with PS3 your not missing much with Halo, Cod 4 and Modern Warfare 2 just **** all over Halo.