Helder Alexandre - Great Goalkeeper


Dec 20, 2010
Reaction score
View attachment 119687

Great Goalkeeper but never heard of him.

Never seen him before until my friendly with Porto.

His stats are very similar to Artur Boruc's.

But, when i make a new game and load all portuguese players Hes not there.

What leagues should i load to get him ?

and Did you ever knew about him?
Edit : As adjyo said he is one of those players randomly made if the team doesn't have enough players because his he has no transfer value.
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He's one of those greyed out players which the game generates if there are not enough players
Is he one of those players the game makes when they dont have players from that team?
See how you can't make a bid for him. Because he is fake, a player used to fill up the team. He should be greyed out in the team squad page.
He looks like he's been created somewhere along the line. I can't find him and I have all Portugal players loaded. Are you running a custom database or custom data editor file? His outfiled rating is 2 aswell, meaning he may well have been created...

Edit: Ok, he's a grey player, lol. Looks very good though!
He's a greyed out player...

But thats just stupid ,why would a game generate a world class GK whos at his peak, costing porto nothing.. :/
In the game that you found him, you must not have Portugal loaded. Therefore, he is a replacement for their normal goalkeeper. Therefore, if you load Portugal, you will find a player very similar to him in Porto.
He's a greyed out player...

But thats just stupid ,why would a game generate a world class GK whos at his peak, costing porto nothing.. :/
Because you don't have the Portuguese league loaded so the game fills those teams with fake replacements.

Also, he is hardly 'world class'. He has some glaring weakness (Slow, high eccentricity and low concentration)