what team are you? on the facilities info screen whats yours you facili at (level wise eg exellent, good, average etc), whats your junior coaching and youth recruitment like? had you got a good head of youth coach?
Depends on what team you are. You can't expect the next Lionel Messi to come from a Port Vale youth academy. Only amazing youth prospects will come from the 'big' teams and good facilities (Arsenal, United, Liverpool, Barca, Madrid etc)
Try asking for feeder clubs that will help you bring in youth players from abroad , upgrading your head of youth development and youth recruitment network. Also, i think scouting knowledge helps bring in more foreign youths
Training/Youth/corporate facilities are at max level, but if you want to improve quality of regens entering your club, improve junior coaching and youth recruitment
Junior coaching/youth facilities - the better it is, better youngster will be inclined to join your club
Youth recruitment/ scouting knowledge - the better/broader it is, more chances to get quality youngsters (because players can come from other corners of the world)
Get your youth recruitment and coaching up, get as many scouts as possible, ask for feeder clubs as often as possible and just wait. Took me a couple of years before I got some nice talent. Still no Messis.. but with 28 scouts working if there is one out there I'll find him.