Help: Increasing club finances for fun and profit


Jan 24, 2010
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Hi there,

I felt like a bit of fun, so I decided to use the editor to give Welsh Premier League team "TNS" £900,000,000 in the bank, a transfer budget of £850,000,000 and a wage budget of £1,000, 000. I saved the editor and loaded up the game correctly.

However, although my transfer budget is £850 mill, my club only has £200k in the bank and I can only increase the wage budget to about £15k, which means that I have all the money in the world to sign players but can't afford their wages. My assistant tells me I can bring in Isiah Osbourne on loan, for example, but I can only afford 20% wages, which Villa won't accept.

Is there any secret to increasing the club's finance or wage budget that I'm missing? I just don't see why it's not working.
Can't you edit your budgets (in the board room).

Make more transfer money available for wages?
Did you actually change the clubs finances? On the information screen does it say you are worth £900M?

Cus by the sounds of it, you may have just edited the budgets..
Have u got the ingame editor, if so use that to adjust the wages.
Redders - I've tried that, but they'll only let me re-allocate an extremely small amount. So I can reduce it from £850 mil to £849,998,001 or something, and it won't let me do it any further.

Aannddyy - On the editor, there are three options within "Finances". The top one, I believe, is the overall club finance, which I set to £900 mil. The one below that is transfer budget available, which is £850 mil. The third option is wage budget, which I set to £10 mil at first, but when it didn't work I reduced it to 1 mil but with the same result.

mhyland - I haven't, no, but I think I should be able to sort this out with just the regular editor.

Thanks for replying, guys. I'll go have another crack at it, but please feel free to give me more suggestions in the likely chance that I won't get it to work.
Umm what is the reputation of TNS? And how much on average do you pay in wages? Maybe it won't let you increase it because the board don't think you'll be able to attract anyone who'd take up the wages. There's not much point in having such a high budget without increasing your reputation as you will still fail to attract decent players.
Anyway, I may be wrong but it's just a thought :)

Another thought, you'l probably have more success if you use FMRTE as this usually overrides the limits on the game
I have the same problem, can't edit the club balance even though I can edit the club's transfer budget:S
Like i said above get the fmrte and just adjust it all then delete it, lol.