Help needed!!!!

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Feb 24, 2010
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I have recently purchased a Samsung N130 netbook. Specifically to play FM at every possible convinience. Before I acquired the equipment I ensure that it met all the minimum requiredments for FM which it does.

Having installed the software today everything seemed fine up until I tried to actually get into the game. When I double click on the quick launch on the desktop I get the hourglass but the game never loads. Upon Ctrl+Alt+Deleteing I discover that the FM process is still running in the background but the game never loads up.

I have the latest version of DirectX installed and I'm seriously struggling for ideas as to how to fix this.
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End the process then try again. If that doesn't work try restarting.
I had this problem once, all i did was restart my PC, and it worked fine.

If what i said, and what KidBlink56 does not work, then, the game may have installed wrong, so you might have to un-install, and then install it again.
Try making sure that ALL drivers are up-to-date. Also, download Game Booster(google it), which will cut down the PC's RAM usage. Then, Restart, and run FM10.
Try making sure that ALL drivers are up-to-date. Also, download Game Booster(google it), which will cut down the PC's RAM usage. Then, Restart, and run FM10.

I downloaded that Game Booster, and it ****** my PC up, the next time i used my PC and i went to load anything, it said 'Game Booster Is Causing A System Error'

So i had to un-install it and then run a scan to sort things out.
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