I have found a document on the Qatari Football Association's webpage http://www.qfa.com.qa/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/discipline-competition-earabic.pdf, which would be a great help to create the league in a realistic way. However, I can't read Arabic, and google-translate barely helped.
What I so far could tell is that 7 foreign players is allowed in the starting eleven. Those files I have encountered so far have restricted it to 4, which would be totally wrong in that case.
Anyone that knows arabic could probably be a great help in order to create a realistic file.
What I so far could tell is that 7 foreign players is allowed in the starting eleven. Those files I have encountered so far have restricted it to 4, which would be totally wrong in that case.
Anyone that knows arabic could probably be a great help in order to create a realistic file.