
Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
can someone please help I have edited the file attached so that there will be 32 youth teams taking part from selected european leagues



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file temporary unavailable, will take a look as soon as I can download it.
This has been made with the Advanced editor, which I have the files to make active but haven't yet. and as Im a newbie when it comes to the AE I couldnt promise I would be able to make it a 32 team comp, though I could give it a go in the normal editor. I will do a test file and come back to you in the meanwhile come up with the 32 teams you would like in the comp, I wont be able to make it random teams like in RL.
Ok, I've run a test and competition is possible to make on Editor using specific teams only, so if you want it made this way give me the teams you want in and I will do it in the next couple of days :)
I activated the advanced Editor and loaded up the database, was this your edited version or the original as it is a 32 team tornament in the file. I then loaded it into a XML editor and discovered it wasn't active for game play, so I activated it and loaded it in game and hey presto 32 teams compete :D Heres the link NextGen Europe v2.xml
cheers psycho...cant believe thats all that was wrong, where is the "active" section in the xml file located, and can it be ammended in editor via advanced panel

thanks again
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you need to load the file into notepad or a XML editor, I use one called Exchanger and the advantage to using a xml editor is that if you change a line you can validate it plus if something is wrong the editor will tell you which line it is where as notepad your just looking at a continuous mass of mumbo jumbo.

Once loaded in the editor the line to change is the third one and reads

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>

<list id="files">

to be able to edit the database it needs changing to

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>


and when you want to test in game it needs changing back.

if you want to see a league structure made with the AE then download Hershies Cpyrus file, it takes a lot to impress me but this file is an amazing piece of work.
Thanks for you help......I have adapted the file to set up an american nextgen but that doesnt load I heve followed as above could you take a look please ....with the original nextgen file I believe a south american comp was created but not showing up(so i removed it and in game when i load both files both europe/america comps merge which i cant understand????)

South America NextGen.xml

the idea is then to have a super cup with top2 from each event playing in a yearly cup in japan ....but i dont know where to add their comp ref to xml file
my world youth clubcup.xml
Will try to take a look at your file tomorrow, did you add it to existing nextgens file or create another database ?
I took the file you updated for me and adapted it...from europe to south america

I think (as I cant check the file ) that the south american comp was in the inital nextgen DB ....but wasnt created as a full comp, just named as a comp.

in the nextgen(europe file) I have removed the s.american comp so it didnt conflict with my new file

First off let me apologize I thought I'd responded to this (must of looked at it gone and done something else and forgotten)

For the South American comp you have to start from scratch replicating the euro comp file, for the super cup I believe you would be able to add this to your SA file and in the stage/requirements add the two competitions.

Now when it comes to the Advanced Editor Im a novice, I know the basics and have a slight understanding of how it works enabling me to change things but I've yet to create a league/comp from scratch using though I am attempting one on and off between my normal editing.

The best thing to do is join FMUpdates as they specialize in this area and from what I've seen are very friendly.

Once again sorry for forgetting about you and best of luck with the Db.
Hi pyscho
been a bit ill lately and only just finished the above.....can you please take a look at it

it has
next gen europe 32 teams
next gen south america 32 teams

next gen super cup- finalists from both above comps compete in straight semi/3rd 4th final

lost concentration a bit....took hours to do

just reply when free...if it needs tweeking can you assist and I will post for all to use...give you credit too

cheers again
NextGen Europe v2.xml

tried to pm you but it wouldnt send