
Nov 30, 2010
Reaction score
Is there a section in the forum to check listed known bugs?, I'm currently managing Forest and had no problem for the first 15 games but now in match the instuctions option used for changing team instructions is no longer availible, Just Greyed out.
I used this quiet often to change game focus depending on how a match was progressing so when was well in front I could use it to change from attacking to contain,counter or defence
Im still currently running on patch 11.1 and not updated as of yet to 11.2 as im not sure if this will fix the issue.
Maybe theres an option im unaware of that I have accidently changed but for the life of me I canot find it.
the only time i've encountered this is when i've changed tactics with the tactics button and I had to wait for it to change them in the match before I could tinker with anything else, sorry I can't be of any help :S
There is a technical help forum, but for some reason my laptop isn't copying/pasting link, so just use the search bars. You'll get help in those forums :)