
Apr 19, 2010
Reaction score
So, I got my FM13 disc today through the post but when I come to play the game it says I'm still playing the BETA version.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.
Did you input the code manually via steam off the back of the manual...I had to to get my copy to switch from the BETA version.
That would be the sensible thing to do, can't believe I've not done that.

Such a ****

Thanks mate.
Yeah, seems to have worked.

Its been installing for ages now though, I'll just see how it goes.
can i ask how many characters is your product code? mines not working for some reason, on the bottom of the manual yeah?
15 characters mate.

Are you putting the '-' between?

Like, 12345-12345-12345...
yeah its doing the dashes automatically every 5 characters, mines 15 too. Soo confused as to why its not working, i'm sure i am entering it right.
Hmm not too sure then mate
I'd get on the steam website and onto that 'your questions' part.
already had a look there, cheers for your help though mate! probs gonna have to call or email someone tomorrow which is reallyyyy annoying!!
i left it for half an hour and tried again which worked for some reason, thanks again!