
Jan 3, 2012
Reaction score
I've downloaded a db, and made some tweeks to it, however I've just knocked something out on the FA cup, and it wont allow me to revert. (I saved before realising)

It is saying the maximum teams is 256, but I need it to be 1008.

I know this is possible, but I cant do it.

Is it possible for someone to help me please?

For some reason I cant get it to upload, so would need advise.

save the file as an .xml and open it in notepad or some other xml editor.

Use the find tool to search for "256" (with the quote marks)

Change the 256 to 1008

Save, reload in the editor and verify.
Whilst waiting for a response I tried to see what I could do, ended up deleting FA cup and remaking it with 1224 teams, all the way down to level 11.

Thanks though
I now have a different issue lol.

I created 30 players and added them to a team all 14 years old but only half of them appeared in the game. Changed all their ages so they 17 and have pt contracts, but still only get 15. It randomly generates other players for me. The same ones as I've loaded a new game a few times.

How can I alter this so all 30 of my new players appear?

So, having looked further into my issue of players not being there, I have found that they are, but just under different names, and when i click on information, their real name is the name i gave them.

Any suggestions as to why ?
ave you typed the name in the nickname box by mistake?
nope I've checked. It's also changed some of their names slightly:(
I've had similar name changing issues and players disappearing or stats being slightly different to what I made them to be in the editor. If you work out what's happened I'll be very happy to find out! I'm gonna have a little look again when I get home, probably just a small thing I bet.