
Mar 24, 2006
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:D hey guys i was wondering if there was a crack for fm2006 that you could play without the cd because i had one for fm2005. its because my parents keep on confiscating it and that really ****** me off. so if u any of you guys know or have it ... please tell me the site

OH MY GOD!!!! Your parents keep confiscating FM?! Do they not know that's basically a crime,its just not written down!! Stand up for yourself man! Why would they do such a thing?! You don't get too excited by it do you? Or overly wound up in that you launch your cat and/or computer out of the window?

No I dont know if there is a crack or if you can find one.
pelican said:
:D hey guys i was wondering if there was a crack for fm2006 that you could play without the cd because i had one for fm2005.

if u remember tht thing could u post it or pm me it cause my 'mate' stole my fm05, cheers
(Link removed by Sean) - Sorry no Piracy

seems to do the trick for cracks for me although i bought fm
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