Hermanchides Kit Request Thread

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Team: cook islands
Manufacturer: adidas
Template: SS
Sponsor(s): none
Home design: something unique using countries colours
Away design: "
Third design:"
Additional badges: Oceania badge on sleeve (if possible)
Config required: no
Team unique ID: 1436
fuck me their beautiful, thanks they'll help me with my cook island story now :)
I am terribly sorry but, I think I may have got the unique ID of Fiji wrong :/
Would you be ever so kind and do me another config file please?
If you can, it will be a great help!
Unique ID: 1437
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Only on phone at mo but you should be able to change it yourself. Open config file in notepad and change the Id number and save :) if u still need a new one creating I'll sort it for you in morning
Only on phone at mo but you should be able to change it yourself. Open config file in notepad and change the Id number and save :) if u still need a new one creating I'll sort it for you in morning
Ok thank you for your quick reply mate :), I'll try and sort it out.
Also, it's amazing how you do all these kits in such a short amount time! Do you use photoshop?!
I'm gonna change my upcoming Mancity away and alt kits

Manufacturer: Kappa
Template: FB
Sponsor: AXA
Away design: Third-design navy with skyblue stripes, like Gijon design
Third design: Wycombe away
Additional badges: Premleague
Config required: no
Very Nice. You know that I've used your kits as a download on this site but as we discussed I've given you credit for creating them plus a link to this thread. So I'm assuming that this is still ok.

Yeah thats fine mate - cos you did ask permission in the first place :) - so... as you were! :P
Team: Gillingham
Manufacturer: Adidas (retro)
Template: SS
Sponsor(s): http://assets.gcstatic.com/u/apps/asset_manager/uploaded/2010/46/bluewater-logo-1290150856.jpg without the website link, in white on the home shirt and blue on the away. Put it quite low down to accomodate for the size of the club badge?
Home design: http://www.oldfootballshirts.com/img/shirts/845/east-germany-away-football-shirt-1989-s_12911_1.jpg but with http://www.historicalkits.co.uk/Gillingham/crests/crest-1991.gif as the club badge (same sort of proportions as that DDR shirt (ie a massive huge club badge haha!)
Away design: The same as home but black main colour and blue where it is white on the home shirt. Could the club badge also be in blue please?
Additional badges: Premier League badges please :)
Config required: yes please
Team unique ID: 656

Thanks in advance mate, I always flick through what you've done and they're all top notch still haha
Hey mate long time no request lol :)

Team: Barcelona

Manufacturer: Nike (with the word nike above liek you used make me) :)

Template: SS

Qatar Foundation

Home design: White top with gold details - can this be the design but with the changes such as nike instead of addidas and the changed sponsor

Away design: Orange top with blue details - as for the design this mate but with the changes again....
Redirect Notice

Additional badges: Champions league logo on left sleeves and liga bbva logo on right sleeve pal

Additional Info: On each of the kits, can you put the arsenal details around please mate and inbetween the logo and the nike tick can you put the words "los cules" please as that is there nickname :)

I try to make my requests as clear as possble so that it is more convinient for you mate hope this comes across :)

Cheers pal :D !!
Two more from NSW Super league;

Team: MacArthur Rams
Manufacturer: Errea
Template: SS
Sponsor(s): Platinum ? (I searched everywhere & couldn't find this sponsor. Even on the MacArthur FC Site! Some of the Photos had this sponsor some didn't. If it proves too difficult then just leave the sponsor off.
Home design: Maroon & White
Away design: Sky Blue & White
Third design: N/A
Additional badges: None
Config required: no

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Team: Northern Tigers
Manufacturer: Lotto
Template: SS
Sponsor(s): None
Home design: White with green trim
Away design: Purple with white trim
Third design: N/A
Additional badges: None
Config required: no

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That purple outfit looks ****** awful but hey if thats what they're wearing thats what I'm requesting!

Many thanks in advance.
Team: Gillingham
Manufacturer: Adidas (retro)
Template: SS
Sponsor(s): http://assets.gcstatic.com/u/apps/asset_manager/uploaded/2010/46/bluewater-logo-1290150856.jpg without the website link, in white on the home shirt and blue on the away. Put it quite low down to accomodate for the size of the club badge?
Home design: http://www.oldfootballshirts.com/img/shirts/845/east-germany-away-football-shirt-1989-s_12911_1.jpg but with http://www.historicalkits.co.uk/Gillingham/crests/crest-1991.gif as the club badge (same sort of proportions as that DDR shirt (ie a massive huge club badge haha!)
Away design: The same as home but black main colour and blue where it is white on the home shirt. Could the club badge also be in blue please?
Additional badges: Premier League badges please :)
Config required: yes please
Team unique ID: 656

Thanks in advance mate, I always flick through what you've done and they're all top notch still haha

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Cracked the whole editor thing which brings me back for a new kit please.

Team: Rangers FC
Manufacturer: Nike
Template: SS
Sponsor(s): The logo from previous kits you made. link anyway
Redirect Notice
Third design: Same as barca home with main colour white with silver being the other colour.
Additional badges: One spl champions badge and one champions league.
Config required:/no
Other info. Could I have the sponsor in a rangers blue colour as with nike tick and if possible this badge
www.rangers.co.uk ( its the celebrating 140 years the one with gold stars) ((maybe a blue/red badge with the gold stars.))

thanks again.
Team: Kinver Colts (a team i made (my ex sunday league team :)
Manufacturer: Nike, The one with nike wrote above it.
Template: SS
Sponsor(s): Evan (the one with the mountains)
Home design: http://www.football-england.com/images/croatia_football_shirt.jpg Like this but red and black please.
Away design: http://www.soccerbox.com/images/shop/product_images/21084/regular_2011juventusawayshirt.jpg Like this but the star white and the background colour yellow please.
Third design: Plain black with a transparent image of the badge at the bottom. (I'll explain the badge below)
Additional badges: Europa league badges in the middle of the badge and the Manufacturer please.
Config required: Yes please
Unique ID: 2062002129
Other info: As this team doesn't have a badge, could you use this one please? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/13/JEFUnitedIchiharaChiba.png

I know this may be a big ask, but if you could do it, I would be very grateful
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