Hey I need the help of someone who can edit for my project


Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hey I am a noob at fm and editing fm and wondering if anyone could help me for a project I am working on, just like show me how to do what I want and stuff. I would like to create tournaments and stuff like that. my skype is thefinchmeister7. IF anyone could help I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance
if you post a rough plan of what you are trying to achieve then I could probably give you abit of help but once you've started you should quickly get the hang of it. You've just got to have the patience as it can be quite a long and boring process at times.
if you post a rough plan of what you are trying to achieve then I could probably give you abit of help but once you've started you should quickly get the hang of it. You've just got to have the patience as it can be quite a long and boring process at times.

Hey thanks for the reply. I have managed to create a team, plan a stadium move, kit sponsor etc... I am wondering is it possible to edit the pictures? I would like to add the fifa ultimate team card in place of the player pictures if possible. I would also like to edit the players stats. Create my own tournament and season if possible
Personally I don't know much about editing players pictures. The following link will take you to the section of the forum where you are most likely to find the experts on that sort of thing so hopefully one of them should be able to help you with that.

Player Faces (Facepacks)

I've not previously edited players stats so my knowledge on that is fairly limited however I do know that you would have to adjust the players Current Ability (CA) I'm not sure how much you need to adjust in relation to the changes so you will have to find that out through trial and error or look to see if you can filter the players by the stats you want and base the changed CA off that.

to create a tournament and season I take it you mean to have a League and a Cup. If you don't want your teams to qualify for continental football then the league should be based in Liechtenstein as I don't think it gets any places in europe. It might get one for a created cup but as it doesn't have a league in real life then i don't think adding a league to it will generate the missing places. If you do want them to have european football then it's best to use a nation like Andorra or San Marino as a base as those teams aren't very strong anyway.

hopefully I've understood that last bit right, if so I can definately help with that, if not then you can correct me.
Personally I don't know much about editing players pictures. The following link will take you to the section of the forum where you are most likely to find the experts on that sort of thing so hopefully one of them should be able to help you with that.

Player Faces (Facepacks)

I've not previously edited players stats so my knowledge on that is fairly limited however I do know that you would have to adjust the players Current Ability (CA) I'm not sure how much you need to adjust in relation to the changes so you will have to find that out through trial and error or look to see if you can filter the players by the stats you want and base the changed CA off that.

to create a tournament and season I take it you mean to have a League and a Cup. If you don't want your teams to qualify for continental football then the league should be based in Liechtenstein as I don't think it gets any places in europe. It might get one for a created cup but as it doesn't have a league in real life then i don't think adding a league to it will generate the missing places. If you do want them to have european football then it's best to use a nation like Andorra or San Marino as a base as those teams aren't very strong anyway.

hopefully I've understood that last bit right, if so I can definately help with that, if not then you can correct me.

Hey thanks for your help so far. I got a little confused at the last part. I basically want to play my own league and create my own cups, with my own created teams. I don't wanna play any CL or anything like that.
cool that makes things abit simpler. It's probably best you add all the teams before you start on the competitions. It would be easier for me to explain the competitions by using a few print screens but I won't have time to do that until thursday btu for now I can try and explain without them.

After you've made all the teams you will need to start on the competitions. (it doesn't matter when you edit the players stats)

so first step is to find competitions down the left hand menu, click it them click add. then you enter in the fields on that first page with the name of them competition and so on. seeing as you don't want your teams in europe I suggest putting teh nation to Liechtenstein, continent as europe and then leave the parent competition blank. (that is only needed for league like teh blue square north/south.)

I'm not really sure what to tell you to put the rep at, it's best you put it the same as any competition you want it to be of a similar level to.

I think the type is fairly self explanatry. I think competition level is basically what level is the competition at in the league pyramid and not necessary for cups. the rest of the details page is again fairly self explanatory.

you only need to fill in the teams page for leagues, (now you know why I said make the clubs first) leave it blank for cups.

you can also leave the next to completely blank for both. can't remember if the teams for next season is automatically filled the same as teams or not but doesn't matter either way.

I think registered teams is only applicable for continental competitions so always leave that blank.

then records and history only need to be filled if you want some to already exist, if left blank they will be filled in as you play through the game.

You link them all together through the Nation Rules, Just remeber to pick the same nation you put teh competitions as. It has a Wizard there to help you through it. If you try it and get stuck then I'll answer any questions when i can.
Hey mate do you have skype or something? I'm kinda confused with it all