Mar 6, 2011
Reaction score
i am a boy who was born in russia but raised in england so i speak english i love football manager and i found this site and im glad that i can talk to people that love football manager im looking forward to write a story and i love fifa also i alright at football manager
welcome to FM base mate enjoy. you'll have fun :)
hi im ben.

Welcome. By the way, this is in the wrong section. :)
welcome to FM-Base THE greatest forum in the world
Hey Alex, welcome to FM-Base :D
Have fun man, it's the best place for FM and football and some other stuff too ;)
what are you planning to do your story about?
this site is already cool and i think to do a story like commentry so it like im going to be lazio and i go to cheak that thread out
Welcome Alex hope you have fun