Hi I'm Jonno


Nov 13, 2009
Reaction score
Hello there

I'm Jonno I'm 22 from Preston, England.

I have played all the FM's, and all the earlier CMs, my personal favourite being FM 07

I am currently 12 seasons into my managerial career with Everton on FM10, winning all the major trophies

I am a die hard and life long Manchester United fan (don't talk to me about the Everton game!) and I love watching and playing football, and love management games

Looking forward to chatting with you all

Hello and welcome to the comunity lad, hope you enjoy it here, people are great :)
Welome to the best site on the web....and the world!!! :D Enjoy your stay,
Hello Jonno! Welcome to Base! Do enjoy here :D
nice to meet you jonno :) welcome to fm-base, undoubtedly the best forum for football manager games (don't be dissuaded ;)) if you need anything just ask, everyone heres nice :D (vast majority anyway :p)
Welcome good sir. Enjoy the forum :)

If you have a problem just contact a staff member (anyone with a green name)
12 Seasons with Everton! Well Done :) Curious to know your team there...

Well welcome to the forum anyway, if you ever need anything drop us a message
hey Jonno, welcome and have fun, this is by far the best Fm site on the web and we are all here to help (well most of us anyway) enjoy your time here, its going to become a large part of your life, so be prepared ;)
i think after all the commotion everyones happy to see some sane members joining (H)