hooliganism of Rangers


Mar 8, 2006
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Rangers will discover today the result of a Uefa investigation concerning the behaviour of their fans.
Allegations of bigoted chanting from Rangers fans during their Champions League ties with Villarreal will be examined by Europe's governing body.

And an incident in Spain saw the Villarreal team bus attacked.

Rangers are not allowed to send a representative to argue their case at the hearing in Nyon, Switzerland, but have submitted written evidence.

And it is understood that the Ibrox club have detailed the efforts being made to eradicate the problem of sectarianism among sections of their followers.

Rangers bowed out of the last 16 stage of the Champions League on the away-goals rule, following a 2-2 draw at Ibrox and a 1-1 draw in Spain last month.

Following the second-leg tie at the El Madrigal Stadium, a statement on the Uefa website said: "The European governing body will give attention to the improper conduct and hooliganism of Rangers supporters in the return leg in Spain on 7 March, as well as to the fans' discriminatory chants in both fixtures.

"Villarreal are also being investigated for lack of organisation and violation of Uefa security instructions in the return leg match."

I will post their decision as soon as I hear.
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what do u expect of UEFA. their bark is worse than their bite
Rangers were cleared of sectarian behaviour because these song r tolerated in scotland :irked: , according to UEFA. i was hoping action would be taken because football should be about football, not what religion, race, nationality or whatever else u can think of. there is no place to hate people for what they look like or what they believe in (unless they believe in playing ***** football like martin o'neil):irked:
Mikey B said:
Rangers were cleared of sectarian behaviour because these song r tolerated in scotland :irked: , according to UEFA. i was hoping action would be taken because football should be about football, not what religion, race, nationality or whatever else u can think of. there is no place to hate people for what they look like or what they believe in (unless they believe in playing ***** football like martin o'neil):irked:

I couldn't agree more
no, i think it is religious hatred, so it could be anti-protestant songs as well
I've seen a couple of comments from some fans who think that because we've been found "not guilty" (pending appeal) then we can continue to sing songs like the Billy Boys etc and it just seems as if some people are missing the point.

When people say that it should continue to be sung at matchdays simply because it gets the crowd going, that seems like a pretty poor excuse in my books. There was also that person that sent an e-mail into Scotsport Fannyzone saying that she was looking forward to singing it on Saturday.

There are plenty of songs that fans can sing that are actually football related and if they're so desperate to sing "Hullo Hullo" then why not make sure that the words of the club-endorsed version "We are the Rangers boys... we love to see the Rangers play at Ibrox or away... etc etc" are distributed to fans.

it seems as if some people are missing the point entirely, which is a basic necessity if fans want to stop dragging the club's name through muck!!
i hope tht the sfa will stick to their guns in the threat of closing the stadium of any club whose fans partake in the singing of the son songs. so watch out hearts, rangers and celtic
The Sun's headline

Is an absolute disgrace!


These newspapers are constantly slamming the antics of Rangers fans in relation to bigotry but they clearly stoke the flames with rubbish like this! I do not accept the excuse that this is the UEFA delegate's nickname! It is a play on words with a bigoted undertone! How can this newspaper have any credibility on sectarian topics when they are clearly willing to make jokes out of our impending case? The people within the tabloid press clearly have a severe lack of intelligence to write such a headline!

Would they accept it if we went to Parkhead on Sunday and shouted FTP then attributed the chant to this delegate? Would that overcome any issues with sectaianism within this particular saying? I think not! People are selling papers off the back of Rangers being in hot water with UEFA and to make jokes about it is frankly disgusting!