
Nov 22, 2014
Reaction score
Nearing the end of the first transfer window and depleted my transfer budget but the board approved my request for more funds and I suddenly have 14mil to spend, having already bought all that I really needed. So I thought why not get a new keeper, one for the long term who could maybe even take the No. 1 spot now.

Horn and Rajkovic are available.
Horn has his release clause and is interested in a move. Rajkovic on the other hand seems uninterested, by my scout reports. But is cheaper.

This year's Horn seems a much different player from last year. His stats are more geared towards a sweeper keeper, with improved rushing out etc but poorer aerial ability and communication and command. Esp compared to Rajkovic who is better in those areas and is more of a traditional shot stopper.

Question now is, should I take

1) Take Timo Horn and groom him as the SK he is and tweak my tactics to fit an SK e.g. higher defensive line?
In other words play to his strength

2) Take Timo Horn and try to change him into a traditional GK. I.e. try to pull up his handling, aerial ability, command and communication through training.
I have my doubts his CA PA difference will allow for much improvement

3) Pass on Horn and take Rajkovic, maybe in the next window, or see if he's agreeable to a buy and loan back deal. I'm not in urgent need of a keeper. I think.
I bought Rajkovic for about 2.8m in the second season and he developed really well, sold him for £26m after 2 seasons
if you're dont play with a SK take Rajkovic and use him as a backup (or starter depending on what your GK situation is like). horn from my experience wants lots of first team action and will complain about playing time, which i never had a problem with Rajkovic.
Is Rulli available on a free? If you can afford his wages then he is a better option, ready to play now if needed and still able to improve. Of the two mentioned Rajkovic is likely to be the better option. I've found it's harder to train a 'sweeper keeper" into becoming a normal keeper than the other way round.