How are you ment to make a profit every month with out been barcelona or real madrid?


Aug 4, 2010
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im currently in my first season with liverpool havent bought any players so its not down to that but every month i seem to be making a loss of about 4m-8m im currently in march and now im -2m million in red ive tried selling players but no one has even made a bid.
Simple answer is that you're not.

A large bulk of the turnover will come in the space of a couple of months in the off-season - sponsorship, prize money, TV revenue, season tickets etc. The income is pretty much guaranteed which means that borrowing against it in the short term with an overdraft (season by season) is fine.

Unless the board are complaining about the finances don't worry about it at all - they give you a budget for a reason.
Football Clubs earn the majority of their money in the off season through corporate sponsorship deals, TV rights and Merchandising. Player Sales make up only about 15%-20% of a clubs income.

It's a simple fact of business management that you'll be in negative figures for the vast majority of the season. It's in Pre-season where the money to balance the books come in.
ok thanks i had a 40m transfer budget but i put it in the wage budget an now there not longer willing to take requests about wage budget or transfer budget so ive lost out on 40m transfer budget to spend gutted, ive just been looking though and the projected budget is 15m for next season surly it should be more than that?
Depends where you finish, the more success you bring then of course the more stable your balance becomes.
With Everton in the first season i won the Euro Cup and also sold some unhappy players for high fees (Barkley 50m, Baines 15m, Naismith 8.5m, Oviedo 4.5m)
Then when your TV money, sponsorships and bonuses come in all is good! My balance is currently at 73m+ in the black :)
ok thanks i had a 40m transfer budget but i put it in the wage budget an now there not longer willing to take requests about wage budget or transfer budget so ive lost out on 40m transfer budget to spend gutted, ive just been looking though and the projected budget is 15m for next season surly it should be more than that?

How much of your wage budget do you have remaining? If you have a lot then you'll be able to make signings and adjust the budget as the transfer goes through.
Wow, very shrewd spending! How are you performing at the moment? Planning on spending a bit more in the next windows or not?

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Not particularly looking to spend much but the board do want me to se more youngsters for the first team, but players like Howard, Jagielka and Barry have been so solid for me i find it very difficult to drop them as they are the spine of my team. Barry at 34 is still 3.5* :P