How can i score more with strikers? any recommendations please


Mar 4, 2009
Reaction score
I currently manage AS Saint-Etienne in the french ligue 1. I recently started a new game with them because I had failed to win anything by 2013 =@. I love to score on the break, but I hardly ever do. My tactics used is a 4-4-2 diamond (with 2 MCs, not 2 left and right mids).

My main concern is, that I have gone through a whole lot of good strikers, yet they don't finish counter attacks, or score with stupid up close "cheap goals".

Could anyone recommend some player instructions specific to some of the posistions in my 4-4-2 diamond? I have a great tactic i feel but because my strikers cannot score properly I'm not reaching my full potential.

I think i averaged around 15 goals a season from corners, and lots of goals coming from the outside of the box from midfielders.

Heres the strikers i have had/or currently have: Walter (from internacional), Bafe Gomis, Demba Ba, Henri Saivet, Cheike Diabate, Jozy Altidore.

My team would constantly crowd the midfield area outside of the opposistions bigger box area, and throw it out to the wingbacks who would push up.. What i'd desire is for them just to play some beautiful passes to the strikers running on goal.
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Maybe try to increase creative freedom, and try to get your midfielders to play through balls, do this by going into a players profile and selecting player interaction, there should be an option to encourage them to play through balls
My Strikers rarely score too, It does not bother me as long as I'm winning :D
Well my adriano is pretty much on fire. This is first season and i actually didnt use him before november when zlatan picked up an injury. I was using balotelli but adriano has been amazing. He has scored 25 goals in 4 months. (Sorry for the language on the screenshots)
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