how do i improve the player's speed in fm 11?


Nov 17, 2010
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how do i improve the player's speed in fm 11? I want my left back to run faster. So should his individual training focus be quickness or agility?
in their training category increase the focus on aerobic training. Either of those you stated should also help
in their training category increase the focus on aerobic training. Either of those you stated should also help

How much impact do you think it can have? When I tried it, my players usually improved by one, max. two points in the attribute..:S Can't change his attributes much, when he is not 20 and have PA about 170, am I right?
age has a massive bearing on technical and physical attributes but I have a 36 year old keeper who is about to retire and he has just increased both acceleration AND pace whilst being injured with cruciate ligaments...

very weird indeed... personally, I'd increase his aerobic training to about halfway between light and heavy (smack in the middle of medium) and cross my fingers ;)
Individual training set to quickness.