How do i make Juve, Milan and Roma get good so i don't win the league so easy?


Oct 22, 2011
Reaction score
Playing as Inter, topping by 10 points for years. This is boring fam.
You can't i think its more to reflect how Juventus have dominated Serie A with a good team for years & Inter not being that far off its not hard to win the league every season
You could sell them your best players....
Sell most/all of your top players and just use your youth prospects?

Set some sort of rules that make it harder for yourself.

Or just move club?
I'd leave them for another club. I did that previously and the team you took over doesn't normally do that well a few seasons later. I retook over four seasons on with them languishing in the bottom half of the table. It's always a good challenge trying to beat the team you have made great as well. If the Inter job goes, why not take them over and aim to beat Juve long term.
Im in Benfica and the Portuguese league is even more easier than the Italian one!

So, the aims that i have are:

- be the richest club in the world (4th seaosn - 8th place)
- get sponsors that will eliminate my need to sell players to balance the budget (my biggest deal is the TV one with 40 million a year)
- be the most reputable team in the world (6th atm)
- be the team that feed more top league clubs in the world (already 1st in Portugal)
- get the majority of NT players based on my team (already accomplished)
- eliminate all club debt (need 8 more seasons)
- be the club with more Champion League trophies (3 atm)
- beat SAF number of titles

So, you can see that, even within an easy league, there are many things that can be done!
Make all 3 subs before the 1 min mark.

Ironman football.
if you are not against using an in game editor you could bump up their finances, reputation and training facilities?

I have done this in the past to 3/4 teams in England at a time and they will start giving you problems!