How do you get an agent to like you??


Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
Hey guys
I'm stuck with an agent who doesn't like me (it says 'dislike' in the relationship box) which seems to be the only reason the contract page isn't allowing me to renew my goalie's contract (hes getting enoyed i'm not renewing it now!) Nothing seems to be working,
Any ideas? or i'll loose my top goalie :mad:
Look at his client list, and try to buy someone else maybe...finish the negotiations fast, and yeah, pay the agent a lot of cash
most of them are brazilian so permits will be tough :/ but yeh i'll give that a go thanks :D
I'm not sure but sometimes if your player loves the club and has a good working relationship with you, he would fire his agent. Happened to me one time where I couldn't offer my player a contract because I kept a hard stance on my self imposed wage cap. A week later, my player fired his agent and agreed to my terms, must be coincidence but I would like to think not.
Yes, most of my player a short while after being signed sacked their agents but, I don't think my keeper is planning on it!
I have a couple of failed (due to work permit) contract offers to use as bribes and he is now listed as 'indifferent' which I hope makes a difference on the contract page...