How do you make Facepacks?

Mar 22, 2008
Reaction score
I have always wanted to know how you design your own face pack, they make the game look and play so much better. Could someone help me with instructions so I can have a little go myself. Thanks;)
Here's a simple guide. I will use Fulham as an example.

1) Create a folder called fulham or anything else meaningful.

2) Create an image for the player roughly 140px x 180px and give it a meaningful name. eg: dempsey.png

View attachment 2758

3) Create a config.xml file (an example one is attached) and save it in the same folder as the player pictures.

4) The part of the config.xml file that you edit is shown below.

		<record from="dempsey" to="graphics/pictures/person/980561/portrait"/>
		<record from="filename1" to="graphics/pictures/person/PLAYER-ID-HERE/portrait"/>
		<record from="filename2" to="graphics/pictures/person/PLAYER-ID-HERE/portrait"/>
		<record from="filename3" to="graphics/pictures/person/PLAYER-ID-HERE/portrait"/>
		<record from="etc..." to="graphics/pictures/person/PLAYER-ID-HERE/portrait"/>
		<record from="etc..." to="graphics/pictures/person/PLAYER-ID-HERE/portrait"/>

5) Open FM 2009, go onto Preferences > Display & Sound and tick Show Unique IDs and click confirm.

View attachment 2760

6) Browse to the player and on his profile it will now have his unique ID.

View attachment 2759

7) When you're finished. Put the folder into:

...[root to your documents]\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2009\graphics\Players

Personally I would create a folder called eng or england and then even a folder called premiership just to keep the facepacks well sorted so you know which ones you have.
Thanks for explaining that ^

Might try to do some myself.
I was wondering also about this thing... thx guys for the explanation
3) Create a config.xml file (an example one is attached) and save it in the same folder as the player pictures.

i'm a really bit slow on this thing.making xml me...;(;(;(
so the thing that i need to changed in that file is the one in the black font right???
so the thing that i need to changed in that file is the one in the black font right???

In the config file look for the part like this....

<record from="filename1" to="graphics/pictures/person/PLAYER-ID-HERE/portrait"/>

All you need to do is copy and paste that line as many times as you need. Then on each line change the filename to the name of the image and then where it says PLAYER-ID-HERE change that to the id of the player. the thing that only changed is only PLAYER-ID-HERE right??and if u want to make many face packs then u just copy and paste and change the id right?? the thing that only changed is only PLAYER-ID-HERE right??and if u want to make many face packs then u just copy and paste and change the id right??

Exactly :)
Thx man.. but how i need to know the id of the players?
one more thing, how i create XML file?

lol.. i just dont know..
Last edited: u open xml file with IE??
and how to save the xml file after u edit it??
i know this is not a right place to post it but is making logo have a same procedure as facepacks??
Or you can download a program called FMxml which does the config file for you...
i know this is not a right place to post it but is making logo have a same procedure as facepacks??

Yes you just create an image for the logo and then make a config file using the competition/teams id number.