Dec 3, 2013
Reaction score
Although I have tried to play FM the way it is "meant" to be played i.e. as realistically as possible I always find myself getting very bored very quickly and then play "against the AI". By that I mean finding and taking advantage of ANY flaw whether realistic or not. i.e. a diablo or corner tactic. Anything to lead my small club to World greatness.

If nothing else it certainly tests the boundaries of the game.

Oh and I'm not divulging any weaknesses in the AI. SI don't pay me to do that. (6)
I try play realistic all the time. I'm getting older now and the idea of trying to exploit someone else's mistakes isn't too appealing. When I was younger and much more cut-throat I would have agreed with you but I just seem to get the most enjoyment when something is done sincerely. Let me explain.

For example. I chose Arsenal for the first few months. Every time trying to make it realistic. Then I realised after quitting on 2nd season for the hundred and sixth time that it just isn't possible with the club I support. So much like the clubs I now support which I put down to FM such as Parma, Valencia, etc. who I didn't know anything about until the early 2000s when I started choosing these random squads with random players that became "cult heroes" to me.

This year I've found that same enjoyment again with Hamburger SV <3

Thanks SI for not completely ******* me over and giving me a few months of enjoyment out of this game.
I like to play as realistically as possible. Exploiting the game defeats the point of the game.