
Feb 23, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, I have been playing FM13 since its release, and have only today downloaded the FMRTE to try and determine how the CA and PA attributes work (as I have noticed that quite often the stars rating system seem to decrease over the seasons even though players are still young)...

So far as I can tell, editing the CA has no change on any actual attributes in game, and PA seems to change little (although I understand that it may infact increase the attribute range available).

The strange thing is, I was messing around with a Regen I found on my Newcastle save in 2018, and somehow managed to edit his attributes which you cannot do using the FMRTE. (He had decent stats anyway but somehow I managed (probably through messing with CA and PA)to edit his abilities to what will probably be his maximum (seemed realistic considering his current stats)). Any ideas how I did this? I have tried messing with other players, real and regens, and cant seem to get stats to change in any way to determine how the CA and PA work...

Any tips would be useful?? Sorry if I've confused you, if so tell me and I'll try to explain... Cheers
When you mention that you edited the CA... did you mean the actual attributes (0-20) or the overall CA (0-200)?

I had the same question as you have now, trying to figure out how CA and PA actually works. I don't use FMRTE personally but I have been using the Editor messing around on a player.

Well, lets say Player One, age 22, has a CA of 120 and a PA of 150. He has an attribute range of 30 to improve on his CA (Depending on training, game time etc) up to his full potential of 150. I realise that PA does not increase, only CA.
There's nothing stopping the CA to decrease either, say if he has long term injury.

Now you use the FMRTE thing. You decide to change Player One's various attributes to make him... better. Say you add 2 or 3 upon the current technical and/or physical attributes. This will only work if you also increase his overall CA accordingly... However I am not sure how it works exactly as FM takes into account other aspects, like mental attributes and left/right foot etc.

I mean if you had a player with 100 CA with attributes in ranging from 9-12, and you decide to change his attributes to 15-18. It wouldn't work because of the set 100 CA, eventually the attributes would go down so you really have to also increase the CA ccordingly.

The best way I could think of is to just increase the CA itself... When you increase the CA, all other stats and attributes will increase depending on the player and accordingly spread out to match his current skill set after saving player data with FMRTE and should take 2 - 3 continues in game before the changes would actually show up.

To be honest, CA and PA is quite complex...
When you mention that you edited the CA... did you mean the actual attributes (0-20) or the overall CA (0-200)?

I had the same question as you have now, trying to figure out how CA and PA actually works. I don't use FMRTE personally but I have been using the Editor messing around on a player.

Well, lets say Player One, age 22, has a CA of 120 and a PA of 150. He has an attribute range of 30 to improve on his CA (Depending on training, game time etc) up to his full potential of 150. I realise that PA does not increase, only CA.
There's nothing stopping the CA to decrease either, say if he has long term injury.

Now you use the FMRTE thing. You decide to change Player One's various attributes to make him... better. Say you add 2 or 3 upon the current technical and/or physical attributes. This will only work if you also increase his overall CA accordingly... However I am not sure how it works exactly as FM takes into account other aspects, like mental attributes and left/right foot etc.

I mean if you had a player with 100 CA with attributes in ranging from 9-12, and you decide to change his attributes to 15-18. It wouldn't work because of the set 100 CA, eventually the attributes would go down so you really have to also increase the CA ccordingly.

The best way I could think of is to just increase the CA itself... When you increase the CA, all other stats and attributes will increase depending on the player and accordingly spread out to match his current skill set after saving player data with FMRTE and should take 2 - 3 continues in game before the changes would actually show up.

To be honest, CA and PA is quite complex...

FMRTE doesn't allow you to change actual attributes, only to edit CA and PA... now I am assuming PA is fairly self explanatory but CA is whats confusing me.... I woukd have thought changing the CA would improve attributes but it does nothing at all. Although I did somehow manage to improve a regens attributes I have no idea how... so yea I agree it is very confusing