How important is training???


Jun 21, 2009
Reaction score
I'm probably going to sound like a noob here but just how important is training in fm09 if you want to be successful at any level. also, where should training come in my priorities in a new game? should i first focus on tactics, transfers, staff etc

up until this point in my fm career of a few of the games i haven't really dabbled in the training side of things, wasn't sure if i'd made a monumental error

any training suggestions would also be muchly appreciated
training is really important.
i have always downloaded TUGs training schedule and after installing it just modified it a bit. MC´s for more tactical and so on.
If you already know imortant attributes for each positions in your tactic then it quite easy to make a new tactic
do you make up your own schedules?

also, can u get coaches to make them up for you?

i'm always scared that my schedules would have an advert affect on the team's attributes and/or fitness.

can training improve players abilities well???
I always make up my own training schedule as i use pretty much the same tactics with any team i play as. I pick every position pairs i can. Like lb/rb lwb/rwb, lm/rm, amrlc. I also choose normal positions like gk, cb, dm, cm, st and create individual training regimes for those positions it has a huge affect on the players improvements and i believe morale of the players aswell.

i would say it all depends on the type of players you have and the tactics you use to whether a training schedule will suit yours needs.

If you would like send me some screenshots of your chosen team the formation you would like to play and a list of the players you have. If you also give me a rough guide to how you want your team to play, I will try and set up a similar training schedule for you.
Download Tugs training thats stickied on top of this forum... Or else your own team turns into bunch of fat Ronaldos.
i depends what your league your in and what type of team you are to determine whether it's a good training schedule or not if you are someone like Arsenal or Barcelona are very creative attacking team you should focus your schedule around technique although if your a lower league team you should focus it on things like stamina and strength as technique doesn't come into it as much as the top leagues
i've made schedules for each position of my team.

wasn't sure how hard to work the lads, ive got most of mine generally set at the top end of a medium workout
yeah mine varies for medium to heavy but generally medium i push the lads in the pre season a bit mre
probally very important for developing players, tugs training for the win
probally very important for developing players, tugs training for the win

I suggest the Holy Training been using Tugs since it came out but then discovered the Holy Training its name speak for itself just that Tugs quite does not pull it off for me.

Just my opinion ^^)
Ah I feel like a noob. I have never used training schedules.. Due to the fact I'm afraid of messing my team's attributes up :l ..I hear that the Holy Training is good? Can somebody tell me how I set this up?
Its alright, everyone has their noob moments. I only juse tugs, so I am not sure what Holy Training is.
Ah I feel like a noob. I have never used training schedules.. Due to the fact I'm afraid of messing my team's attributes up :l ..I hear that the Holy Training is good? Can somebody tell me how I set this up?

That's exactly how i felt and why i made this thread :p
Never touched training until the 10th season and saw a marked improvement.
Training is the foundation of your side.If they train well, that will contribute to stats going up, maning a better player, whereas bad training will see the player stay at the same level or even decrease.
If you don't know how to setup training schedules, use the great Tug's training, which has variations for senior and youth teams. Just watch for the player's reaction to the workload, and adjust accordingly.
Am i like one of very few people who actually makes their own training schedules, to me i see it as a great achievement when you have said your own schedules up and you see youth players using these schedules and they become world class because of it.
Am i like one of very few people who actually makes their own training schedules, to me i see it as a great achievement when you have said your own schedules up and you see youth players using these schedules and they become world class because of it.

I've only just got into making my own schedules. The results are dramatic. Training doesn't make attributes go up - what training does is allow you to prioritise which stats go up. So if you have a certain, specific style of play and know exactly what you want from a certain player - well, you can more or less get it over time. I trade increases in physical attributes for increases in technical attributes. This makes my young players technically superior to an AI player of exactly the same CA/PA. Means that they have to play a slower game, but then I do that by playing a possession style of play :)
Also is it important to control your Reserves and/ or your U-19's? How much effect does that have on the future of the game?
Hi,is it bad to put for every player in your squad diffrent training type?