How our life would look without Football Manager ?

life with Fm or without ?

  • with

    Votes: 54 85.7%
  • without

    Votes: 9 14.3%

  • Total voters
I would probebly have more chance of decent GCSE's more confidance and not be such an angry pathetic loser.
well FM led to FM Base which led to IRC which led to no time to study so id be a lot better off
I would have an interesting idea of creating a game in which you are a manager of your fav football team
If FM didn't exist, I'd have had better grades and I wouldn't lie to my friends about the new upcoming superstars as having "watched them" simply because they're good on my game..
I would actually have a life.
Don't really play on Football Manager that much. Generally I play three games every couple of days. I have never found it too exciting in longer bursts, only in short goes.

Hasn't affected my social life or grades. (Went for 'Without' on the poll though not quite sure what you were getting at.)
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You lot really have no lives or something. I enjoy FM, but not to the point where it ruins my life :p

without fm i would have a gf, have a social life and have lots more friends

You need to see someone.

Had this game since 2005 and it's not affected my grades, all depends how addicted you are to it, there's a limit I play. I can't play it all day, maybe on the odd Sunday.

But FM certainly takes a back seat to my social life and college work, etc.

Exactly the same as you :)
i may be playing real football :p

Well, I think that it's stupid to play only FM and not real football. For me, because of FM, I got addicted to playing real football, and if I wasn't as slow as a snail and if I didn't have my fear of making mistakes while playing, I'd probably be playing in the Croatian U-19 squad and be a standard Hajduk player.
Would have commited suicide from boredom a long time ago
He didn't say it would be out of existence, just you haven't played it.

would say what i said already then but change a word if i never played before i woudn't know anybetter and it would be normal