i need a litlle help here.
As far as i understand there will never be tycoon takeovers in other countries rather than Eng, Spa, and Ita. Is there anyway to change this?
I think that if u untick valid takeovers only it will allow that a club in a lower division to have a tycoon takeover, wich doesn´t mean that everyclub will get a tycoon to. In my games tycoo usually happens to Atlético Madrid, Valencia, Tottenham, Palermo. Changing that file i presume that will wnable the possibility to have a tycoon takeover in other countries too, like Portugal, turkey etc
---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ----------
If your using an editor (fmscout or something), try and decrease their finances too, then the price of the club will go down and the chance of the takeover happening will increase