How to bring back individual windows during match?


Oct 3, 2013
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FM12,13,15 and 17 player here. Came back to FM23 after 6 years. One of the cons FM23 has is that there's no way for me to put up customizable individual windows during match. They help me keep track of all stats I want to see, formation window, ratings, etc. Having to click that one button to bring up half of screen stuff but its always transparent that I can't see. So its pointless. Why did SI went with this route? From my looking around, was FM20 the start of this? why the change?

Edit: of course, missing the sliders pre-FM14 days too :LOL:
Who knows? My bet is to simplify the game for the new players. Those sliders were so confusing for the beginners that they had to rework them, but doing so they removed a lot of customizability around tactic.
Who knows? My bet is to simplify the game for the new players. Those sliders were so confusing for the beginners that they had to rework them, but doing so they removed a lot of customizability around tactic.
I spent first 500 hours of my FM life playing before understanding sliders and how to improve win chances so I do understand that LOL. FM definitely popularized over the years and removal of sliders probably was one of major factors. I can tell when going back to older iterations' community feedback on tactics, training and all. I wish they should still keep sliders there or be an option for veterans to tick on in the settings.

I always tell myself, "Customization is king" for consumers. Whatever FM do, they should at least allow it to be available if veterans wish it. Win-Win.
Agreed. There's plenty of room for min maxing in real football, why not leave that for the FM players as well? I was lucky enough to play FM when they didn't have 3d match presentation, and just starting strong when they implemented it. In those years I've been moderating one other forum and the influx of new players was noticeable. Rather than to be an old man yelling at the clouds, I decided to roll with it and just play the easier, simplified game.
Though I would still like to have something like "veteran" mode, where you can thinker with the sliders ( however, we won't get that, too much work for the SI)