Yeye, I will ask differently then
Is there any topic or are there some tips for what each type of striker needs? I mean TM needs to have wingers that has good crossing to support him, or Poacher needs to have good AM behind him, who can dribble the ball deep and then get striker great pass.... I got a little problem with the new striker positions like deep lying, shadow striker and so on
Problem is most of the roles are highly dependent on what you want to get out of them.
DLF (My favorite) = Either you'll want someone playing in front of him such as a poacher or advance forward or you'll using inside forwards or a marauding shadow striker/attacking midfielder to help link up with him. Tends to drop into the space in front of the CBs to play balls through to others or out why.
Advanced Forward - Works well upfront alone with some support from deep, wide or with a strike partner.
Target Man - Like you said, support from wide to knock in headers or to link up with either an AF/Poacher or someone coming up from deep.
Poacher - Sits on the last man and is there to use pace to be a direct threat and to be on the end of anything, works well with a TM/DLF to provide through balls and link up player or with someone deeper to create space and play balls through.
Complete Forward - Does everything, straight up mix of a DLF and an AF. Comes deep, plays out the balls to others and also tries to get onto the end of things. Again ideal with a more one dimensional forward such as a poacher or with support from wide such as inside forwards.
Defensive forward - Never used one so no ideal, based on what it says I'd suggest using it again with a more direct threat such as a poacher or AF, possibly with a shadow striker/treq sitting in behind him.
Trequartista - Can't say I've ever used one upfront I prefer them sitting behind a striker. Would need to be supported with runs from deep or wide, so again shadow striker/inside forwards or possibly straight up wingers if you're using a second striker with him.
False Nine - Much like the DLF, comes deep to move into the space but is more suited to playing a lone striker role and allowing players from deep to get into key areas. Seems to be the go to role for most people.
1. Buy Shane Long,
2. feed him the ball.
sounds like shaun goater lol feed the goat and he`ll score
Hey it seems to work.
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