How to get my team running at a profit?


May 21, 2010
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Im playing as Portsmouth, I have cut every players wage by half but am still loosing money every month. If it wasnt for the chairman putting money into the club we would be in administration again. I have poor crowd sizes. Any body got any ideas? And is any one having the same problem? Thanks
Well it would help if you could tell us where you are losing money.. Print screen maybe? I guess it's due to your loans, in which case there's not much you can do, getting promoted is the only way of really making serious cash, cup runs are pretty much worthless when you have such a small stadium and a thin squad. There is no easy money making scheme, you will continue to lose money for as long as you are in the football league.
I did a game with Portsmouth on FM09 and then I remember I was barely braking even in the Prem. You are probably losing money on loans and player transfer clauses. Pretty much the only way you can make money is by being a wheeler-dealer. Buy youngsters, look for free transfers be ready to sell your key players if a good offer comes in( when someone bids and you are thinking about accepting, offer the player to other clubs at a slightly higher price).
I see cheers guys im spending a lot of money on bonuses my wage bill is 1.4 mill a month and loan repayments dont help.
I think you just need to get rid of everyone on a wage over £3k, which is about most of your first team. You may need to just use your youngsters, and get free's on really small wages. You may even need to think about being relegated again and then being promated just for money reasons.
With all due respect, when you picked Portsmouth did you expect to make profit easily?
Well, pretty much what Dan said.

To try and break even or make profit. You pretty much have to win promotion at the first time of asking with Portsmouth.
No i didnt expect to be making a profit or breaking even. I just didnt expect to be leaking that much money.