
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction score
Hi guys i know you can ask the board but the option dosent apper so is there any other ways since im in the premier leauge with a championship outfit ?
Well, there is always the cheateres option. Add a coach for a team like City and have them buy one of your players for whatever amt of money you want.
Yeah, if you want to cheat , download an ingame editor, like, FMTRE as you can just change your budgets etc. Other than that you haven't got any other option, THAN BUILD FOR THE FUTURE and just let you budgets build slowing with selling players.
don't cheat.

just try and sell some players you don't need.Or you could offer no money up front,and pay all the money over a 48 month period.
i did consider the cheat way but im doing a legit save and last time i did it it messed up my fm11 and i have sold them and when i spread it over 48 months it says we dont have enough money delay for another week