How to stop getting scout reports of the same player twice every month?


Jan 2, 2023
Reaction score
I keep getting loan list notifications and scout reports being sent to my inbox every single week, and they're of the SAME PLAYER. You've sent me the same exact report of Mahmoud Dahoud 14 times within the past 6 months, Markus Losch, I don't need more reports on Dahoud, please. Adding them to the not interested list doesn't do anything. Espcially when I want to keep tabs on them, but not that often!!!!

This problem goes hand in hand with getting loan list notifications (which I don't see how I can turn off in the scouting center settings), and constantly getting the same loan list notification for the same player. I've noticed that the scouting assignments are all being put on the same player, too, and I don't really know how to fix it. Does anyone have this same problem? Does anyone know how to fix it? It's getting incredibly annoying. And sure, I've found so many bargain signings and most of my signings double in value in their time at the club, but it is so frustrating to hit continue only to see 30 new inbox messages, all about players I know and have on my various shortlists.
Hello. You should consider removing those players from your shortlist if they are on it.

Some of them are on my shortlist, some of them (especially the loan list notification ones) aren't on my shortlist and some are explicitly on my not interested list. I'm not sure if it's an issue with the shortlist because I've got 100s of players on my shortlists, but it's the same 20 or so players, a lot of which I've already removed from my shortlist but am still getting reports about.
Another thing you can try is click on "Not interested", but I assume you already did that:

Do you have any squad planner focus set up? If you do, try to remove players from it.

There is also a option to disable "Keep scout report up to date" which will cycle the reports in your lists every three months. You can try that and see if it helps.
Another thing you can try is click on "Not interested", but I assume you already did that:

Do you have any squad planner focus set up? If you do, try to remove players from it.

There is also a option to disable "Keep scout report up to date" which will cycle the reports in your lists every three months. You can try that and see if it helps.
I'll give the squad planner and the keep scout report up to date things a try. The not interested unfortunately did not work.
Ah, I think I found it. Under advanced filters "Reminder about a previously scouted player."